IPAWS (Integrated Public Alert & Warning System) Sandia National Laboratories Ronald F. Glaser, PE , Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.
Outline What is IPAWS? - administered by FEMA Programmatic drivers / Sandia’s role Conceptual roadmap - iterative development and deployment Hurricane ‘07 (Spiral 0, WARN 2) –What did we do? –What did we learn? Coordination/Interoperability - vision The IPAWS end system - grid features Summary - POCs and web sites
What is IPAWS? –Department of Homeland Security program begun in 2004 to improve public alert & warning in partnership with NOAA*, the FCC*, & other public/private stakeholders. –Evolving “system of systems” Emergency Alert System (EAS) upgrades National Warning System (NAWAS) enhancements New pilots and systems: –Digital EAS (DEAS) program with APTS* and others –Web Alert and Relay Network (WARN) pilot with Sandia and others –Geo-Targeted Alerting System (GTAS) program with NOAA and others * NOAA = National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration FCC = Federal Communications Commission APTS = Association of Public Television Stations “DHS should establish an integrated public alert and warning system in coordination with all relevant departments and agencies.” - Hurricane Katrina Lessons Learned Report (2006)
IPAWS is the Nation’s next-generation emergency warning capability IPAWS will work with public and private sectors to integrate warning systems to effectively communicate alerts via TV, radio, telephone, internet/computer, cell phone, and other personal communications devices. The IPAWS will allow: The President (or designated Federal officials) to communicate to the American people before, during, and after a crisis The President and authorized Federal government officials to gain situational awareness from State and local emergency operations centers Effective communications to State and territory agencies, Governors, tribal councils, and other alert and warning stakeholders State and local emergency managers to send messages to residents during non-Federal emergencies IPAWS supports FEMA’s goal to reduce losses to life and property from all hazards by providing reliable and accurate information before, during and after an emergency
The end vision of IPAWS is to deliver coordinated messages over more channels to more people, anywhere, anytime. INTERNETLANDLINE PHONES Private Sector Territories and Tribes Local Agencies State Agencies Governors Responder and Resource Communities Federal Agencies President & other officials Public International Governments
IPAWS Drivers Hurricane Katrina –Lack of communications and situational awareness paralyzed command and control. –Lack of targeted alerts and warnings. Current alert and warning systems don’t reach sufficient proportion of the population –Audio-only alerts, distributed via television and radio. –1-12% of population, depending on time of day. Executive Order 13407: –Ensure that under all conditions the President can rapidly and effectively address and warn the public over a broad range of communications devices and under any emergency condition. –DHS goal for IPAWS is to provide the capability to alert 85% of the listening population within 10 minutes.
Design, set up, and operate pilot alert program for 2007 hurricane season –Initial capability deployed 1 August 2007 –Ended 31 December 2007 Develop and pilot new architecture for next hurricane season –Understand needs/requirements of users –Develop secure architecture for sending messages (internal/public) –Develop standards (OASIS*) –Qualify vendors for IPAWS interoperability –Multiple year effort to develop architecture and roll it out nationally Sandia’s Role * Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards
WARN CRG infrastructure (vendor-neutral, basic security & message routing services) Sandia-driven pilots Conceptual IPAWS Spiral deployment timeline and national coverage Spiral 0 Aug ‘07 Spiral 1 Dec ‘08 Spiral 2 Dec ‘09 Spiral 3 Dec ‘10 Spiral 1 IOC Jun ‘08 CRG infrastructure (vendor-neutral, full security & message routing services) Vendor-driven national roll-out IPAWS Deployment
Alert and Warning IP Network (CAP/XML) Alert and Warning IP Network (CAP/XML) IPAWS Pilot Capability for Hurricane Season ‘07 EAS Interface (WSI Comm Proc) Text Collaboration CAP Alert Generation WARN Servers NOAA EAS ENDEC State/Local/Tribal FEMA Ops FEMA Regions EAS Interface (WSI RF Ctrl) TV & Radio Tone Alert Radios Sirens, etc. Satellite TV Satellite Radio ETN RBDS Cell Broadcast Broker Cell Phone Carrier Phone Calls Life & Property (22 + Amber) DHNS Video to TV, Cell Phones & Internet RSS Web Pop Ups Radio Display Opt-In SMS Text Messages
Hurricane Season ’07 WARN 2 (Spiral 0) Overview IPAWS WARN 2 deployed commercial alert and warning services in Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi –Operational from Aug 1 - Dec 31, 2007 –Covered 3 state EOCs and 133/213 counties/parishes Sandia’s role: –System design, integration, and testing –Coordination with state and local Emergency Operation Centers –Commercial vendor selection and oversight Deployed emergency notification capabilities: –Messaging framework for Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) messages to Emergency Alert System (EAS) –Emergency Telephone Notification (ETN) –Deaf and Hard-Of-Hearing Notification System (DHNS) –Subscription-based public alerts (Opt-In)
Spiral 0 Overview Alert Messages Web Alert and Relay Network Web Interaction LP1 Emergency Operations Centers CAP Message WSI EAS Adapter Alert Messages ASL Video DeafLink (DHNS) ASL Video Public Public Opt-In Sign-Up Text Message Audio LAT/LONG Phone #s Geographic Telephone Directory Emergency Telephone Notification (ETN) Voice XML Message Audio ENDEC Sirens CAP Message WSI RF Adapter Audio
Web Alert and Relay Network (WARN) Opt-in Software –Allows emergency personnel to generate and control warnings via web interface –Provides multiple alerts and warnings to people who opt to receive notifications Emergency Telephone Notification (ETN) –Hardware to provide basic telephone notification (20,000 calls in 10 minutes) –Vender agreements –Database resource Enhanced ETN (E-ETN) –Additional hardware to increase call capacity to 60,000 ETN calls in 10 minutes –Adds redundancy servers to minimize the chance of an outage due to technical failure Deaf and Hard of Hearing Notification System (DHNS) –American Sign Language translation of emergency messages to hearing impaired –Vendor agreement to post videos on the internet Capabilities deployed across Louisiana, Mississippi, & Alabama
Demographics StateTotal PopulationCounties/Parishes Population with a Sensory Disability NumberPercent Alabama4,227, ,4575.9% Louisiana3,889, ,8245.5% Mississippi2,639, ,5046.8% Nation-wide273,835,465-11,829,9584.3% StateRank (out of 50 U.S. States) Percent Who Speak English Less Than “Very Well” Margin of Error Alabama431.9%+/-0.1 Louisiana372.6%+/-0.1 Mississippi491.3%+/-0.1 Nation-wide-8.7%+/-0.1 US Census Bureau, 2006 & 2007 estimates
Spiral 0 Results
Spiral 0 Successes Emergency Telephone Notification (ETN) used by Mississippi Governor for Hurricane Dean Opt-In demonstrated for Secretary Chertoff, AL governor, and AL congressional delegation ETN tested with over 250,000 calls Over 700 American Sign Language (ASL) alerts generated Sandia/Vendors trained EOC personnel in 133 counties/parishes Sandia developed working relationship with state EOCs and 10 county/parish EOCs
Spiral 0 Lessons Learned Vendor independence is necessary for state/local buy-in Efficient, convenient, and continuous training needs to be available for EOC personnel Technology and staffing can be an issue at the county and parish level Funding concerns and sustainment plans need to be addressed for an effective alert and warning capability Emergency Telephone Notification (ETN) is highly desirable but a cellular calling capability is also needed Understanding existing infrastructure (Telephone Network, Internet, etc.) is important to system design Public education and awareness are critical for success Deaf & blind public participation requires direct outreach
Coordination & Interoperability There are situations requiring cross enterprise messaging –Many current architectures discuss message exchanges in terms of a single enterprise –Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) benefits from its ability to cross ownership boundaries Federal Regional State Local Tribal –To be interoperable, crossing ownership boundaries must accommodate both: Technical aspects: syntax, semantics Policy aspects: access control, security, … –Interoperability among diverse participants requires a prearranged groundwork for communications and understanding supporting: Different policy and security contexts Incremental addition of services and participants Resource multiplier when adding another stakeholder
The Vision An Architecture for Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Coordination, Intelligence and Interoperability –Situational Awareness –Customized Operational Pictures Based on Common Data A Federal Cross-jurisdictional Routing Grid (CRG) –Interoperable Multi-Agency Enterprises –Federal/Regional/State/Local/Public Choreographed Information Sharing –Data-Content Routing –Communities of Interest Communications Surety –Security –Authentication –Robust Delivery Nation Wide Scalability Open Standards Based –Vendor Independent Plug-&-Play
Local EOC IPAWS IP Network IPAWS Satellite Network State EOC Mobile IPAWS Coordination Ctr IPAWS End State Vision Federal Agencies Radio Television Commercial Mobile Services Authentication Boundary Authentication Boundary Authentication Boundary Authentication Boundary Internet & Landline Services Authentication Boundary Commercial Satellite Services
Cross-jurisdictional Routing Grid High-Level IPAWS System EAS Interface (Comm Proc) Text Collaboration CAP Alert Generation WARN Servers NOAA EAS ENDEC State (Local/Tribal) FEMA Ops FEMA Regions EAS Interface (RF Ctrl) TV & Radio Tone Alert Radios Sirens, etc. Satellite TV Satellite Radio ETN RBDS Cell Broadcast Broker Cell Phone Carrier Phone Calls Life & Property (22 + Amber) DHNS Video to TV, Cell Phones & Internet RSS Web Pop Ups Radio Display Opt-In SMS Text Messages SPOR Services Presidential Alert Injection SPOR = Secure Policy-oriented Object Router
The IPAWS Grid The Cross-jurisdictional Routing Grid (CRG): –Set of intersecting internet partitions –Defined by Communities of Interest (COIs) –Protected by Application Layer Routers/Firewalls called Secure Policy-oriented Object Routers (SPORs) –That enforce COI Policies and Rules –For Trans-enterprise Messaging –Based on Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) Emergency Data eXchange Language-Distribution Element (EDXL- DE) and Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Standards
IPAWS CRG Features Authentication Non-repudiation Secure Scalable (to national level) Standards-based, vendor neutral Service Oriented Architecture (event-driven) Policy-oriented routing Geopolitical targeting Multi-channel (not just the internet) Hardened Secure Policy-orientated Object Routers (SPORs)
IPAWS Pilot Summary Demonstrated electronic delivery of emergency alerts to the public utilizing commercially-available services Demonstrated some new capabilities to meet public alerting gaps in the current EAS system –Addressed alerting gaps through ETN, E-ETN, DHNS, Opt-In, and enhanced EAS and RF system capability. E-ETN & DHNS capabilities can reach a more diverse population not well served by the current EAS functionality –E-ETN capability transmitted alerts in foreign languages, thereby aiding those who may have trouble understanding English –DHNS conveyed alerts to deaf, blind, and hard-of-hearing citizens Demonstrated the promise of a national public/private emergency alert communication system –Ability to communicate emergency alerts quickly to an increased number of individuals during various times of the day Many venues are needed to effectively alert and warn the public
Points of Contacts & Web Sites IPAWS Project Manager –Ronald Glaser, IPAWS Public Relations –Mike Janes, FEMA IPAWS Web Site – EM Forum on IPAWS – IPAWS Supplier Web Site – OASIS Web Site –