Hibiscus Coast Parish John Perris Finance Committee Chairperson Church Norms require each Parish to undertake a renewal of its Planned Giving Program every 3 years
Difference Envelopes139,700124,700-15,000 Automatic Payments45,70045, Cash50,30048,400-1,900 Total Collections235,700218,700-17,000 Building Fund38,20036,000-2, ,900254,700-19,200 Summary of Collections
Priests & Parish ($) Building & Maintenance Fund ($) CollectionsAPs/Cash/1 st Envelopes APs/2 nd Envelopes Received in ,70036,000 Less: 1/3 to Retired & Parish Priests(72,200)(0) 146,50036,000 Less: Diocese Levy /Needy Missions(23,000)(0) Available to Parish123,50036,000 Allocation of Collections (Every $1 in Building Fund envelope is retained 100% by the Parish for Building & Property Maintenance)
$$ Parish Income from 2011 Collections159,500 Less Major Expenses Staff Costs87,000 Repairs and Maintenance24,800 Vehicle Expenses9,600 Stationery/Photocopying9,600 Church Requisites7,000 Insurance7,000 Power6,700 Rates and Water6,300 Telephone4,200 Parish Magazine4,000 Total Major Expenses(166,200) Deficit(6,700) Parish Expenses
The Parish is grateful to those of you who are part of the Planned Giving Program, and we ask that on renewing your 3 yearly commitment, you consider what increase you are able to give For those who are not part of the Planned Giving Program, we ask that you seriously consider joining either by way of envelopes or by Automatic Payment Please Consider
What is a reasonable amount to pledge on a weekly basis? Would you currently spend on any of the following: –$10 for a bottle of wine or 3 cups of coffee? –$12 for a weekly Herald subscription? –$10 on a mobile phone and/or internet? –$15 on a basic Sky subscription? What Amount?
The Melbourne Diocese has had success with a campaign asking parishioners to give their 1 st hour of labour/pension to the Lord We would like to think Kiwis are at least as generous as their Aussie counterparts and so that would see: –Someone earning $70,000 p.a. contributing $33 per week (only $22 after the Charitable Donation tax rebate) –Someone earning $50,000 p.a. contributing $24 per week (only $16 after the tax rebate) What You Can Do
–For a retired couple or those around the minimum wage, it would be $15 per week (only $10 after the tax rebate) –For a single pensioner it would only be $10 per week and therefore less than a dollar a day after the tax rebate Of course if you are willing and able to contribute above these levels, that would be very much appreciated What You Can Do (cont’d)
You will have found the Planned Renewal Forms on the seats when you arrived Please take the forms home with you and fill them out over the next couple of weeks Fold them, then staple or seal them and put in the boxes at the back of each church over the next three weeks Even if you are unable to increase your contribution or join the Planned Giving Program, please return the form as it will assist our follow up process Next Steps
And finally, if anyone wishes to discuss this matter, my telephone number is in the Parish newsletter, and you are welcome to contact me Conclusion Thank you for your kind attention