Parish Pastoral Council 2013 onwards
The primary purpose and responsibility of our Parish Pastoral Council is to guide and determine the direction of our Parish by providing leadership, pastoral planning, initiating and directing policies which implement our Mission Statement.
PARISH MISSION STATEMENT St Mary’s Catholic Parish is a welcoming community founded on the Father’s love for us, revealed by Jesus Christ, and nourished by the Eucharist and the other Sacraments. Through the Holy Spirit we make tangible the Good News of Jesus Christ in the whole community by practicing our faith, by fostering our growth in Christ and by giving service to all.
St Mary’s Parish Ministries: Parish Pastoral Council Administration and Finance Committee Parish Education Board Parish Mission Areas:Faith R.C.I.A. Little Rock Scripture Group Parish Youth Group Centering Prayer Legion of Mary
Liturgy Liturgy Council and Children’s Liturgy Eucharistic Ministers (includes Ministers to the housebound) Ministers of the Word Altar Society, Linen Roster and Sanctuary Flowers Word and Communion Ministers Hospitality – Welcomers, Sunday Cuppas and Seniors Luncheon Group Altar Servers Music Ministry
Service St Vincent De Paul Society Too Low in EnglishCommunity Passionist Family Groups Friendship Club Parish Bingo Sporting Clubs: - Basketball, Cricket, Netball, Tennis
Eligibility and Membership All members in good standing of our Parish are eligible to serve on our Parish Pastoral Council. Our Parish Pastoral Council will be comprised of : Ex-officio members: Our Parish Clergy, Our Parish Pastoral Associate The Principals(or their nominees) of St Mary’s Primary School and St John’s Regional College Parish Finance Committee Representative Parish Education Board Representative 2 Parish Priest nominees. And 5 Elected members representing each of the 4 areas of Faith, Liturgy, Service and Community.
From August 2013 Elected members representing each of the 4 areas of Faith, Liturgy, Service and Community will be elected by you, our parishioners. Nominations will be called in May. Elections which will be held by 14 July are to be by ballot. The breakdown of each area is as follows: Faith – 1 representative Liturgy –2 representative Service - 1 representatives Community - 1 representative All appointed and elected members shall serve a three year term. Regular elections will then be held every 3 years for the Elected members
My name is Peter Colvin. I have been a member of the Parish for 13 years. I am presently a Eucharistic Minister, Counter and have been member of the Parish Pastoral Team. I have 5 children and also 5 grandchildren. I am standing as a Representative for the Liturgy Ministry. 50 words
Our Parish Pastoral Council shall meet every sixth Thursday from 7:30pm until 9.00pm – meetings to be diarised and a summary of the Minutes published for Parishioner perusal. A Parish Pastoral Council address created so that parishioners are able to communicate items that they would like to be discussed if they are unable to contact the relevant Parish Pastoral Council member. Elected Representatives are expected to attend 80% of the diarised meetings.
Timeline: 19 May Nominations closed 31 May Nominees photo and Information blurb to Parish Office. 8 & 9 June Nominees names and Info blurbs placed in the Church Foyer - to be placed on Parish Webpage. 15 June to 14 July Votes can be placed 15 to 26 July Votes counted 27 & 28 July Announcement of the election results 29 August Parish Pastoral Council Meeting 7:30pm