Christ the King Province Warsaw - Poland SAC Youth Pastoral Activity in 2011/12
427 brothers 53 communities Ukraine, Czech Republik, Slovkia, Africa, Canada, Antilles
Vocation Pastoral Center
Vocation camp in the Ukraine Crimea – south Ukraine, Daily Mess, conference, meditation, Sightseeing, tourism, swimming in the sea Participations: 14 boys form Ukraine
Pilgrimages Vilnus and Czestochowa Summer time
Cyclist camp Participations: 2 priestes, 1 pallottine student, 5 high school students. 350 km
Youth vigilance in Czestochowa Yearly: autumn, in 2012: 450 persons (mainly form pallottine parisches)
Mess lectures Holy Word Workshop In Saint-Katherine, in the mountains
Vocation discovery weekends
Taize – Berlin guiding one group from our parish (Ozarow) to Berlin to Taize meeing
Apostolate Province Agenda
Student pilgrimage to Czestochowa In the holiday time Students from Warsaw Groups of 250 persons
Pallottine schools
Stefan Batory School in Lublin Secondary and High School Best in the region pastoral groups: volontariate, prayer, charitable actions, formation
Other schools Ozarow Mazowiecki Sierpc, Cracow, Hodyszewo
Music group: la Pallottina
evangelization songs 2 albums concerts participation in public and nationwide programs
Student House Pallotti-Hostel
50 lay, students – also from abroad weekly mess, 2 times a year meeting with a person, formation groups, community duties community camps (France, Bieszczady)
New Evangelisation School in Lublin
Evangelisators formation school during holiday Evangelisation courses: Paul for 40 persons, Apollos for 50 persons, New Life (70), cooperation with International Evangelisation School in Mexico founded by Jose Prado Flores. Participation in parish new evangelisation school network. Worhship evening in our parish in Lublin
Pallottine Youth Meeting At the end of holidays (5 times) In our seminary in Oltarzew Guests, music bands, workshops, prayer