Rota-JETTER Rota-JETTER - DEFINED “It’s like a industrial version of a ROTO-ROOTER.” Jack Jones, County Commissioner – Liberty County – Dayton, Texas The only culvert cleaning machine with gas engine powered rotational cleaning tools that does the heavy work with high pressure water. This provides operators with the fastest and most efficient way to clean blocked culverts. CIMCOR CULVERT CLEANER
PRODUCTIVITY : 24” Culvert 36’ long under paved county road This culvert was fully blocked with dried clay. The Road & Bridge department has tried multiple times to clean this culvert. Because of the blockage it was causing road over flooding and eroding the road. It was scheduled to be replaced. The crew had not ever seen the Rota-JETTER before then. The two man crew unloaded, setup, cleaned the culvert and was back on trailer in less then 40 minutes! After review of the job the Road Supervisor told us the Rota-JETTER just saved them over $2,500 by cleaning culvert vs. digging up and replacement cost. Rota-JETTER CIMCOR CULVERT CLEANER
PRODUCTIVITY : 30 Culverts Cleaned in one day RICHLAND PARISH – Rayville, LA has owned there Rota- JETTER for just over five years. In May of 2008 the Parish took delivery to there new Hydro-static Rota-JETTER. They needed the larger tools and wanted the self-propelled wheels with the larger mud tires. Richland Parish has a “Drainage Supervisor” who is responsible for cleaning culverts and keeping water flowing. He checks out three minimum security prisoners each morning and they operated the machine and do the culvert cleaning. Not long ago they cleaned 30 culverts in one day with their older CLASSIC Rota-JETTER Culvert Cleaning Machine. Rota-JETTER CIMCOR CULVERT CLEANER
OPERATION : DOWN IN DITCH – Inline with culvert This Public Works employee is using the “Classic” Rota-JETTER down in a dry ditch. Using the machine this way requires fewer cleaning rods because machine can run almost right up to the culvert opening as part of the process. Sometimes this mode is not possible because of standing water in ditch or possibly other culvert too close, Rota-JETTER CIMCOR CULVERT CLEANER
OPERATION : AT ROAD LEVEL – From shoulder of road This Public Works employees are using the “Classic” Rota-JETTER up on shoulder of road without having to operate machine down in water and mud. Our heavy duty schedule 160 cleaning rods allows the machine to flex down into the ditch and into the culvert. This normally requires additional feet more cleaning rods then the length of the culvert being cleaned. The closest worker is using the Joy-Stick to control the cleaning rods. It doesn't take much effort. Rota-JETTER CIMCOR CULVERT CLEANER
Rota-JETTER CIMCOR CULVERT CLEANER PROBLEM : Double 36 Inch – 70 Foot Long – LOCATION Culverts are represented by double yellow lines. Arrow points to location.
Rota-JETTER CULVERT CLEANER CIMCOR PROBLEM : Double 36 Inch – 70 Foot Long – CLEANED Two Months after Rota-JETTER CLEANING Note rocks already starting to block culvert again!
Rota-JETTER CIMCOR The next slide will show one of the cleaning tools just before going into culvert. The water starts then the rotation. Then it is pulled back through the culvert. Then the video changes to the exit side of the culvert as the tool comes out of the culvert. NOTE: Normally water and rotation is not started until tool is put INTO the culvert. VIDEO : Tool being “ pulled back ” through, cleaning the culvert. CULVERT CLEANER
Rota-JETTER CIMCOR VIDEO : Tool being “ pulled back ” through, cleaning the culvert. CULVERT CLEANER Click in video window to Start / Stop / or Restart
Rota-JETTER CIMCOR MACHINE SETUP : Unload Power unit and layout Cleaning Rods for assembly CULVERT CLEANER Wood blocks hold cleaning rods during setup but also provide cleaning rod control during operation.
Rota-JETTER CIMCOR CULVERT CLEANER Power unit ready to do a PULL-BACK which pulls the cleaning tool back to entry end. We found a problem in pull-back. Parish Public Works Director (In white hat), stated that is culvert has only been in for about six months. The Rota- JETTER showed him where there was a collapse in the culvert! CLEANING PROCESS : Bore through completed, Changing bit to Cleaning tool.
Rota-JETTER CIMCOR CLEANING PROCESS : Found joint failure, causing the blockage. CULVERT CLEANER There was a joint in the plastic culvert and it looks like when installed they caved-in the side. The boring bit was small enough to get through but only the 4” tools would go through the culvert both ways. It was a 20” culvert but only a 4” tool could be pulled. By marking where power unit started from we were able to measure where the blockage was. It was 4.5 feet from the other end. One of the guys had a flashlight and got down and looked and said “Yep, Its blocked 4.5 feet in!” Rota-JETTER can clean over 95% of all blocked culverts without digging them up and replacing them.
Rota-JETTER CIMCOR CLEANING PROCESS : Pull-back with full load of clay coming out! CULVERT CLEANER We always recommend that a backhoe or Gradall be used to scoop out each end of the culvert prior to starting cleaning. This makes cleaning much easier and gives debris a place to go when machine pulls / removes it.
Rota-JETTER CIMCOR CULVERT CLEANER POWER UNIT : Hydro-Static – Double Pump PTO: Forward, Neutral, Reverse WHEELS: Forward, Neutral, Reverse
Rota-JETTER CIMCOR CULVERT CLEANER SELF-CONTAINED : ADD Water, Gas, and two workers and your ready! Ready to clean a 100 foot culvert up to 36”. Optional Rods can increase length if required. Can be towed with Pickup or SUV Electric Break control required.