Special Religious Development Archdiocese of Chicago
A SPRED Journey Unfolding a Session
Being greeted and called by name, a beautiful space readied for us, knowing there is time to just be for awhile.
Time to choose an activity that will capture our attention, spark our creativity, slow us down, and ready us for catechesis
Bringing to mind a lived experience, finding what is common to all of us, recalling the similar in liturgy, hearing scripture that speaks to this experience, taking this message in. Growing in Faith.
Sharing food and drink in celebration of all that we are, all we’ve been given, and all that we share as community.
Joining in praise, hearing the Word proclaimed, sharing the Eucharist together with the larger community. Bringing us back in desiring to grow in faith in our circle again.
A Welcoming Space, the bonds of friendship, the Word proclaimed, inclusion in the sacramental life of the parish, help us all grow in faith.
SPRED A Worthwhile Journey