IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre Friday 31st May Monitoring for Learning and developing Capacities in WASH
Purpose of 5th Symposium Developing Capacity for Country-led Monitoring of Rural Water Supplies in Uganda Kerstin Danert (Skat Foundation) & Disan Ssozi (Ministry of Water and Environment)
Introduction In Uganda, a comprehensive overview of water supply and sanitation developments and challenges is available. Sector performance measurement is fully linked to the planning and budgeting process. Percentage of Operating Costs Funded by Revenue for Ugandan Water Authorities in 2008/9
Context Background Sector Reforms (from late 1990’s) National Programme for Rural Water Supplies and Sanitation (since 2001) Projects for Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (more recently a facility) Decentralised service delivery Sector Wide Approach Policy & legislation Planning Finance Leadership Coordination Monitoring & Reporting
Golden Indicators (part 1) ThemeIndicator Access % of people within 1.5 km (rural) and 0.2km (urban) of an improved water source (in 2010, walking distance for rural areas was changed to 1km) Functionality% of improved water sources that are functional at time of spot-check Value for MoneyAverage cost per beneficiary of new water and sanitation schemes Access/Use (sanitation) % of people with access to improved sanitation (household and schools) Quality % of water samples taken at the point of water collection, waste discharge point that comply with national standards Quantity % increase in cumulative storage capacity availability of water for production [later changed to cumulative water for production storage capacity (m3)]
Golden Indicators (part 2) ThemeIndicator Equity Mean Parish deviation from the District average in persons per improved water point (for national purposes, mean sub-county difference from the national average in persons per water point is reported) Access/use (hygiene) % of people with access and using hand-washing facilities Management % of water points with actively functioning Water and Sanitation Committees (rural/water for production) or boards (urban) Gender% of Water User Committees/Water Boards with women holding a key position Water Resources Management Compliance % of water abstraction and discharge permit holders complying with permit conditions (current data refers to permit validity only)
Golden Indicators (part 3) The golden indicators provide a focus for further analysis on issues and challenges. They are a means to an end rather than an end in itself. In Uganda, considerable work has been undertaken between the statistics bureau and ministry to ensure that the same definitions of an improved water supply are used.
NGOs/CBOs Water & Environment Sector Working Group District Local Government (District Water Office) UWASNET District Local Government (District Health Inspectorate) Ministry of Water and Environment Ministry of Health Ministry of Education & Sports Uganda Bureau of Statistics Health Inspections Specific Surveys Sector Performance Report (SPR) Key Data Collection Reporting Management Information System MIS NGOs/CBOs School Inspections Technical Audits Tracking Studies Communities Community Visits A B C Schools Community Visits Government Institution Non-Government Institution Coordination Body Quarterly & Annual Reports Annual Report Data (annually) Various National Survey Reports Data (annually) ‘Mini’ Performance Reports by Sub-Sectors Joint Sector Review Small SPR Secretariat (in Ministry of Water and Environment) Data Sources Information Flows and Analysis
Using the Sector Performance Report Reflection – Sub-sectors – Joint Sector Review Decision-making – E.g. changes in allocation formula for ditrict local government – Water Atlas Planning – Budgeting – Joint Assessment Framework
Ten Golden Rules for performance measurement Cover the whole service delivery chain. Integrate within existing national processes Keep it simple. Indicators matter, but are a means to an end Use qualitative information too Compare data sets Define institutional responsibilities Assign individual responsibilities Assess and gradually build capacity Disseminate widely
Purpose of 5th Symposium Thank you for your attention. All Uganda Sector Performance Reports are available on: For RWSN publications: For on-line stakeholder dialogue visit Dr Kerstin Danert Water and Sanitation Specialist Skat Foundation