1 Bubonic Plague (Black Death) World History "ate lunch with their friends and dinner with their ancestors in paradise."
2 The Black Death Appeared in three forms: - Pneumonic: attacked the lungs - Septicemic: appeared in the bloodstream - Bubonic: caused buboes on the body
3 Symptoms 3-7 days for symptoms to appear Chills, fever, diarrhea, headaches, and the swelling of the infected lymph nodes, as the bacteria replicate there. Mortality can be 50%. Also causes spots on the skin that are red at first and then turn black.
4 The Black Death
5 How It Spread Spread from China across Asia (Mongol trading & communication network was a factor) Trading ships carried it west to Mediterranean & Europe and/or Mongol herds carried Bacteria infected fleas on rats were carriers
6 Effects Many saw it as God’s punishment Increase in deaths brought a decline in production. As many as 1/3 of Europe’s population died. Prices & wages rose (value of labor increased) Landowners switched from farming to sheep raising (villagers driven off land) Merchants laid off workers & demanded laws to limit wages Peasant & worker uprisings
7 Psychological Effects Many turned to mysticism & superstitious practices Clergy fell ill and died at the same rate as everyone else – little spiritual guidance Intellectual level of the church declined after nonqualified people filled their positions Jews blamed & pogroms resulted
8 Spread of Black Death Map 1. Where was the Black Death introduced into Europe? 2. What area was the last to be affected by the Black Death? 3. What might have caused the unaffected areas to avoid the Black Death?