Center for Food Security and Public Health Plague BY, KALLIANPUR VAIBHAV, ML 610 22/11/11 Iowa State University
Center for Food Security and Public Health Overview Organism History Epidemiology Transmission Disease in Humans Disease in Animals Prevention and Control Iowa State University
Center for Food Security and Public Health The Organism Iowa State University
Center for Food Security and Public Health Yersinia pestis Family Enterobacteriaceae Gram negative Pleomorphic coccobacillus Aerobic, facultatively anaerobic, facultatively intracellular One serotype Three biovars Multiple plasmids and virulence factors Iowa State University
Center for Food Security and Public Health Yersinia pestis Destroyed by Sunlight Desiccation Survival 1 hour in air Briefly in soil 1 week in soft tissue Years when frozen Iowa State University
Center for Food Security and Public Health History 540-590 AD: Justinian’s pandemic 10,000 deaths per day Fall of the Roman Empire 1346~1400: Black Death pandemic Quarantine 1/3 of European population died Fall of the feudal system 1665: Great Plague of London Iowa State University
Death Triumphant !: A Major Artistic Theme
A Little Macabre “A sickly season,” the merchant said, “The town I left was filled with dead, and everywhere these queer red flies crawled upon the corpses’ eyes, eating them away.” “Fair make you sick,” the merchant said, “They crawled upon the wine and bread. Pale priests with oil and books, bulging eyes and crazy looks, dropping like the flies.”
“I had to laugh,” the merchant said, “The doctors purged, and dosed, and bled; “And proved through solemn disputation “The cause lay in some constellation. “Then they began to die.” “First they sneezed,” the merchant said, “And then they turned the brightest red, Begged for water, then fell back. With bulging eyes and face turned black, they waited for the flies.”
“I came away,” the merchant said, “You can’t do business with the dead “I came away,” the merchant said, “You can’t do business with the dead. “So I’ve come here to ply my trade. “You’ll find this to be a fine brocade…” And then he sneezed……….!
Center for Food Security and Public Health Discovery 1894: Hong Kong Alexandre Yersin Identified Gram negative bacillus 1896 Developed antiserum Iowa State University
The causative agent of plague was first isolated following an 1894 outbreak in Hong Kong. Alexandre Yersin, an unknown bacteriologist, isolated a gram negative organism while celebrated Japanese scientists isolated a gram positive organism. In 1896, Yersin developed an antiserum that saved the life of an 18 year-old Chinese student. Eventually, it was accepted that Yersin had found the agent (a gram negative bacillus) responsible for plague Center for Food Security and Public Health, Iowa State University, 2011
Center for Food Security and Public Health History: U.S. 1899: Hawaii From ship rats to sylvatic rodents Spread throughout the western U.S. 1924: Los Angeles Last person-to-person case 32 pneumonic cases; 31 deaths Currently established in southwest Iowa State University
Center for Food Security and Public Health, Iowa State University, 2011
Center for Food Security and Public Health Plague as a Disease CDC Division of Quarantine Reportable disease in the U.S. Plague is a disease that the CDC Division of Quarantine are empowered to apprehend, detain, medically examine or conditionally release a suspect having this illness. Plague in humans is a reportable disease, and in many states plague in animals is also reportable. The U.S. Public Health Service requires that all cases of suspected plague be reported immediately to local and state health departments and that the diagnosis be confirmed by CDC. As required by the International Health Regulations, CDC reports all U.S. plague cases to the World Health Organization. Iowa State University
Center for Food Security and Public Health Transmission Flea bite Direct animal contact Tissues, body fluids, scratches, bites Enters through break in skin Aerosol Human cases April through November Increased activity of fleas and hosts Iowa State University
Center for Food Security and Public Health Flea Vectors Can live off host for months Many species can serve as vector Oropsylla montana Rock squirrels, California ground squirrels, prairie dogs Most important flea vector in U.S. Xenopsylla cheopis Epidemics in Asia, Africa, South America Iowa State University
Center for Food Security and Public Health Iowa State University
Center for Food Security and Public Health Disease Cycles Sylvatic (wild) Urban (domestic) Reservoirs Rock squirrels Ground squirrels Prairie dogs Mice, voles Others Dr. Lloyd Glenn Ingles © California Academy of Sciences Iowa State University
Center for Food Security and Public Health Sylvatic Plague Enzootic Steady level of disease Low rodent mortality Epizootic Increased rodent mortality Fleas seek out new hosts Expansion into human occupied areas Greatest threat to humans Iowa State University
Center for Food Security and Public Health Urban Plague Infected fleas or rodents move into urban areas Domestic rodents infected High rodent mortality Fleas seek new host Domestic cats or humans Associated with poverty in humans Iowa State University
PATHOGENESIS. Successful transmission from the flea depends upon ambient temperature, because temperature affects the degree of blood clotting in the gut of the flea. After a flea takes a blood meal from a host, the blood enters the flea’s stomach. When temperatures are roughly 27oC (80.6oF) or less, blood clots in the flea gut due to a coagulase enzyme. As a result, Yersinia bacteria are trapped in the clot and multiply. When the flea tries to feed during this time, new blood cannot pass the blockage and is therefore regurgitated, carrying Yersinia pestis with it. It enters the wound produced by the flea bite and infects the host. When temperatures are above 27oC (80.6oF), coagulase is not produced; enzymes in the flea gut are able to dissolve the blood clot. Y. pestis is not maintained for long periods in the gut or regurgitated into flea bite wounds. Epidemics of plague tend to decrease as temperatures rise above 27o C. Center for Food Security and Public Health, Iowa State University, 2011
Center for Food Security and Public Health Flea Transmission 27°C (80°F) Blood clots in gut of flea Y. pestis trapped Clotted blood regurgitated Enters wound from flea bite 27°C Blood clot in gut of flea dissolves Y. pestis passes through Iowa State University
Center for Food Security and Public Health Robert B. Crave. Plague. Infectious Diseases, 5th ed. J.B. Lippincott Co. 1994. Iowa State University
Disease in Humans
Center for Food Security and Public Health Human Disease Three major forms of plague Bubonic ( 80-90%) Septicemic Pneumonic Primary Secondary Iowa State University
Center for Food Security and Public Health Bubonic Plague Most common form ~80% of cases Incubation 2 to 6 days Clinical signs Fever, malaise, chills, headache Bubo: swollen, painful lymph node Mortality (untreated): 50-60% Iowa State University
What were the symptoms of the plague?
Center for Food Security and Public Health Septicemic Plague Primary or secondary Rapid onset Clinical signs Signs of sepsis ± bubo Necrosis of extremities Microthrombi block capillaries “Black Death” Mortality (untreated): 100% Iowa State University
Approximately 10 to 25% of plague cases are characterized by primary septicemia. In addition to high fever and other signs in common with bubonic plague, this form has signs of sepsis, but there may be no obvious involvement of the lymph nodes. Epistaxis, hematuria, petechiae, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and neurological signs may also be seen, and the course of the disease can be rapid. Secondary septicemia is similar, but results from disseminated bubonic plague. Necrosis of the extremities can be seen (often in the finger tips, tip of the nose, and toes) and is the result of microthrombi blocking capillaries and the circulation to these areas. Without treatment 100% of septicemic cases are fatal. Center for Food Security and Public Health, Iowa State University, 2011
Center for Food Security and Public Health Pneumonic Plague Incubation: 1 to 6 days Primary—Y. pestis inhaled Secondary—septicemic form spreads Clinical signs Fever, chills, headache, septicemia Respiratory distress, hemoptysis Person-to-person possible Potential use as bioweapon Iowa State University
Center for Food Security and Public Health Diagnosis Identification of organism (in blood, lymph node,sputum) Serology (A fourfold rise in titer is diagnostic.) Elisa,PCR. Isolation of organism Differential diagnoses Tularemia Hantavirus Streptococcus Staphylococcus aureus Iowa State University
Center for Food Security and Public Health Treatment Early treatment, survival ~100% Supportive care Antibiotics Aminoglycosides Doxycycline, tetracycline, chloramphenicol Penicillins and cephalosporins are NOT effective Iowa State University
Disease in Animals
Center for Food Security and Public Health Animals Host species Rodents, lagomorphs No clinical signs Other mammals Most infections incidental Felids very susceptible Housecats Wild cats Ungulates, canids Occasional infections reported Iowa State University
Carnivore Source of Human Plague Infection, 1970-98 Center for Food Security and Public Health Carnivore Source of Human Plague Infection, 1970-98 Iowa State University
Center for Food Security and Public Health Cats and Plague Human cases from cats unknown prior to 1977 By 1998 23 cases; 5 fatal Cats develop severe illness and die Can transfer disease to humans Owners, veterinarians or staff Pneumonic, fleas, bite, scratch Iowa State University
Center for Food Security and Public Health Cats and Plague Clinical signs Severe illness Signs mimic human illness Bubonic, septicemic, pneumonic Fever, lethargy, anorexia Lymphadenopathy Submandibular, cervical, others DIC, death Iowa State University
Center for Food Security and Public Health Dogs and Plague Rarely show signs Fever, lethargy, oral lesions, lymph node lesions May seroconvert May carry infected fleas Diagnosis and treatment Same as cats Sentinels Iowa State University
Center for Food Security and Public Health Diagnosis Contact state public health laboratory or CDC before sampling Diagnosis Identification of organism Serology Isolation of organism Treatment Aminoglycosides, tetracyclines Iowa State University
Prevention and Control Center for Food Security and Public Health Prevention and Control Iowa State University
Prevention and Control Center for Food Security and Public Health Prevention and Control Isolate infected animals Limit number of people in contact Personal protection Surgical mask, gloves, eye protection Flea control Dogs and cats Spring to fall Environment Iowa State University
Prevention and Control Center for Food Security and Public Health Prevention and Control Prevent roaming or hunting of pets Rodent control Eliminate rodent habitat around home Brush, food sources, firewood, junk Undertaken only after insecticide use Insect repellents for skin & clothes Insecticide use in epizootic areas Iowa State University
Center for Food Security and Public Health Iowa State University
Prevention and Control Center for Food Security and Public Health Prevention and Control Public health education Prophylactic antibiotics Plague outbreak/flea bites Handled infected animal Close contact with plague case Vaccine Live and killed developed No longer available in the U.S. Iowa State University
Prevention and Awareness Center for Food Security and Public Health Prevention and Awareness Report suspected animal cases State health department State veterinarian Animals may serve as sentinels Education of clients and public Risks, transmission, prevention Take precautions in enzootic and epizootic areas Iowa State University
THANK YOU. Center for Food Security and Public Health, Iowa State University, 2011