Ch. 8.5 Pgs ,
What Was The Bubonic Plague? Black Death Horrible epidemic Killed many people Throughout the middle ages In Europe, Asia, North Africa and many other places Worst case: Europe in ( The bubonic plague was less than 1 mm in size but it had destroyed more than 2/3 of Europe during the Dark ages.)
How Was It Spread? A ship returning from China in 1347 Had goods with rats that are carrying fleas who have the plague. The rats ran off and the fleas had hopped off the rats A few months later: spread throughout Italy 1348: spread to Spain and France carried who carried
( The map, behind shows how fast the plague has spread around Europe during the late 1340’s – early 1350’s.)
Effects on Normal Life Some isolated themselves, others tried to flee but died trying. Induced terror and paranoia Jews were thought to have poison the wells. People turned to magic and witchcraft. 1 in 3 people died “Wrath from God” “End of the World” “Political and Economic Turmoil”
Effects On The Church. “Why did God spare some and kill others?” Many people tried to pray to God in hopes of him taking away all of these disasters. However with the church having a schism in 1378, people had began to question Christianity. (Various people would go to church and continuously pray to God to remove the plague.)
Effects on the Economy People could not go to their jobs and produce goods for the towns. Production declined People demanded higher wages, which the government refused to give. The economy in Europe went into turmoil. (The economy in Europe in the dark ages went down the tubes, almost as same as the Great Depression in America.)
Symptoms Of The Plague Vomiting Black spots on chest Painful swellings in the armpits or legs Extremely high fever Abdominal and muscular pain Diarrhea (mostly bloody) Hallucinations Death
Could Medical Science Help? Medical science at the time had pretty much little or no effect on the plague. Doctors were reduced to use everything from surgery to magic. In fact most treatments actually caused more damage than it was supposed to prevent. (A typical dark ages doctor who wore a mask, a protective robe and a long stick full of herbs, to prevent catching the plague.)
Famous Music or Art One of the most famous poems is “Ring around the Rosie.” “Ring around the Rosie “A pocket full of posies” “Ashes, ashes” “We all fall down.”
Hans Holbein’s “Danse Macabre ”
Hans Holbein’s “Story A Day in May”
Questions How did the Black Death become a Global Epidemic? What impact did the Bubonic Plague have on Europe during the Middle Ages?
Works Cited “The Black Death: Bubonic Plague.” The Middle N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Feb “Bubonic Plague.” Kidipede. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Feb “Symptoms of Bubonic Plague.” eMedTV. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Feb