Tony Bello Colman Bailey
1.Bacterial Infection 2.Usually Found in Vermin, Through Fleas Humans and Other Animals Can Get Infected
Fever and Other Flu Like Symptoms Purplish Black Sours on the Skin Though Possible to Recover from not Usual
This Is a relevant topic because William Shakespeare was living around the time that the plague occurred. Could have had a major impact on his writings and may be why death is quite normal for his plays.
The Plague was Used as a tool of war, many times to infect enemy cities Nobody suspected Rats or fleas as the cause One doctor thought that it Might be driven out by bad smells of urine and dung, but only helped spread the disease even more. The didn’t call the plague the black death, but instead called it the Great Mortality or Pestilence. Had a large effect on music of the time, making it very sad from its usual cheerfulness.
The plague still exists today, and still infects many people Usually don’t die due to advances in medical technology Some get really sick in 3 rd world countries, like in Africa Reason plague is not as dangerous is the body has new immunities to it.
The plague did not start in Europe, but once it arrived in the 14 th century, immediately spread through trade and war.
Europe was hit the hardest because it had recently increased the amount of people in its population The country could not support the recent increase and the crops weren’t as good therefore people became malnourished. Once they were malnourished, the disease struck and killed millions Cities were overcrowded and knew nothing about proper sanitation