One of the most devastating pandemics in human history 75 to 200 million deaths; almost 1/3 of the continents population Peaking in Europe during
Arrived October 1438 by sea 12 Genoese ships traveled through the Black Sea back from Central Asia Docked at the Sicilian port, Messina Most sailors were dead or gravely ill
Cause was the bacteria, yersina pestis Originated from rats; rats developed an immunity but not the fleas Yersina pestis produces a toxin that blocks the abdomen Jumps onto human and bites victim, vomiting blood
Chills, Fever, Exhaustion Nausea, Vomiting, Soreness Swellings appeared; hard, painful burning lumps on neck and underarms Swellings turned black, oozed pus and blood Bleed internally, blood in pee, blood in poo, blood puddled under skin = black boils and spots all over (STINKY!) DEATH
Airborne disease Spread by cough Families spread disease to each other very quickly
Bubonic Plague - black lumps Pneumonic Plague - settles in lungs, lung liquefy, cough them up = DEATH Septicemic Plague – Poisons victims bloodstream, stops bodies ability to clot, bleed from everywhere at the same time = DEATH
Mortality rate between 50% to 100%
People would call local physicians to treat family members This is what the doctors would look like:
Concoctions of herbs – no known cure (at the time) Use herbs and plants to relive symptoms Main treatment was bloodletting
Many theories involving religion Punishment from God Pockets of bad air released by earthquakes Jews poisoned the wells Thousands of Jews were murdered all across Europe
Essential that people were given last rites and confessed their sins Compared to the death rate there were not enough clergy Church could not offer a reason for the plague; tested beliefs People questioned religion
Prices and wages rose Greater value placed on labor Farming land was given over to pasturing; much less labor-intensive Change in farming led to boost in cloth and wool industry Peasants moved from country to town; responsible for decline in Feudalism
In paintings, artists portrayed dancing skeletons or symbols of death Music was very low and dark, lower cords and bass instruments
ence/health-and-human-body/human- diseases/plague-article/ black-death/