Happy Haiku Hump-Day! Create a haiku about the Middle Ages 5 syllables 7 syllables 5 syllables
September 4, 1951– President Truman makes the first transcontinental television broadcast
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“We see death coming into our midst like black smoke, a plague which cuts off the young, a rootless phantom which has no mercy or fair countenance. Woe is me…It is an ugly eruption that comes with unseemly haste. It is a grievous ornament that breaks out in a rash. The early ornaments of black death.”
Plague – contagious disease that spreads quickly and infects large numbers of people Epidemic – outbreak of rapid-spreading disease Pandemic – epidemic of infectious disease that has spread through human populations across a large region Black Death – specific outbreak of bubonic plague in 14 th century
1. In complete sentences, trace the path of the plague from its origin to final destination. 2. Where did the plague start in Europe? 3. How did the Bubonic Plague come into Europe? 4. How were cities ideal breeding grounds for the plague? 5. Why did the Black Death inspire such fear? 6. How did the Black Death lead to social disorder?
The Path of the Plague
Originated in China Into Black Sea ports to Sicily Spread through Italy into rest of Europe
Appears in Europe
First appears in Sicily and Italy
Gets into Europe
Rats carried infected fleas Rats came over on merchant ships Fleas bit infected rats which then bit humans
Breeding Grounds
Houses close together Garbage & human waste in the streets Rats & fleas commonplace in homes of rich & poor alike
The Spread of Fear
Highly contagious No cure
Social Disorder
Crops rotted Peasants revolted Survivors lived in fear of outbreaks
Rowmasters…please pass down the reading “Plague in Siena” After you read the first-hand account of the plague in the city of Siena, answer the following questions: 1. What horrors did the author, Agnolo di Tura, witness as the plague ravaged the city?
Students will be assigned groups of three to create a Medieval newspaper Students must write their articles from the point of view of someone living in 14 th century Europe Each paper should have: News Story – what happened at certain time & how people reacted Editorial – opinions and author takes a position on where it came from and how it ended Feature Article – more broad and explains how the path of the of the disease and how it spread