Disease Travels
Also known as Contagious Disease Communicable Disease Transmissible Disease Caused by a pathogen that carries disease Not all infections cause disease that can be transmitted
Travel enables the agents of infectious diseases to become Invasive Species No resistance in new population Cause epidemics or pandemics Often move from animals living in close quarters with humans to humans Diseases also target plants and animals
Travel of humans as they emigrated to new continents Trade across land masses Trade between land masses Bridged natural barriers that prevented invasive species including diseases and enabled them to propagate and spread
Devastated human populations in the Middle Ages Bacterial Infection
Swollen Lymph Nodes
Spread not only to humans Plant diseases Animal diseases Mammals Birds Reptiles and amphibians Insects
As early as 500 B.C. the Inca were raising “batatas” and “papas” 1565 Spanish took them back to Spain from Peru
Peru Spain
Peru Spain 1565 England Italy
Peru Spain 1565 England Italy Ireland 1585
25 H7 H5 H9 * Recorded new avian influenzas H1N1 H2N Russian influenza H2N Asian influenza H2N2 H3N Hong Kong influenza H3N2 H3N Old Hong Kong influenza H3N Spanish influenza H1N Pandemic influenza H1N1 Recorded human pandemic influenza (early sub-types inferred) Reproduced and adapted (2009) with permission of Dr Masato Tashiro, Director, Center for Influenza Virus Research, National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID), Japan. Animated slide: Press space bar H1N1 Pandemic H1N1
Horseshoe Bats Civet Cat Virus People
Also Known as Swine Flu Photo Courtesy of CDC
Mysterious Disappearance of worker bees A combination of factors Varroa Mite A Fungal Infection - Nosema apis A newly discovered virus – Invertebrate Iridescent Virus Impact Honey and Pollination 80% fruits and vegetables