History 104 The Peloponnesian War Pericles and the Plague
Timeline : :
The first invasion of Attica Delays by Archidamus Spartans lay waste to Attica
Response to the invasion Pericles becomes unpopular general evacuation of Attica ordered
The Funeral Oration Athenians who died in battle honored with public burial, oration, special benefits for their children The glorious past and recent history of Athens is remembered
Pericles’ Funeral Oration Both a commemoration and an exhortation Why Athens is great Sparta is the obvious point of comparison
Pericles’ Funeral Oration Athens is as powerful as Sparta, Athens (not Sparta) is the “education of Greece”
The Funeral Oration Thucydides’ version; we don’t know what Pericles really said Athens: an idealized view
Stasis As Greece is polarized between Athens and Sparta, so are its poleis Corcyra, 427
The Plague in Athens The disease is unknown High mortality rate from disease