TASK 4 Shakespeare’s Times
Who ruled during Shakespeare’s time? Monarch #1: Queen Elizabeth Time Period Called: The Elizabethan Era/ The Golden Age Monarch #2: King James I Time Period Called: The Jacoben Era
The theaters in London closed down during this time due to the plague. The theater companies lost money during this time due to the fact that crowds were not allowed to gather together.
The Plague All London theaters were closed due to the plague. More than 10,000 died in this outbreak. It is believed that the plague may have claimed almost 200 million lives worldwide. In pandemics during the fifth and sixth centuries, and then later between the eighth and fourteenth, the plague is believed to have wiped out nearly 50% of the population in those affected areas.
The Plague In earlier centuries rats were a serious problem on all seafaring vessels, and migrated wherever the ships carried them. Riding the rats were the fleas, which would in turn bite humans, causing the plague to jump species and attain its deadly human form. It is now thought as many as 200 animals may be able to act as a host for fleas carrying the bacillus. In turn, thirty species of flea, tick and louse have been identified as being able to carry the plague.
As a group, think about why you think the plague spread so rapidly. Discuss possible reasons. Why would the theaters close down because of the plague?
Extension Activity elizabethan-age Website with information about the Elizabethan Age