Let´s start Regional group Hannover
☻generating publicity ☻draw public´s attention to situation in project areas Main tasks
☻shop “Papyrus“ ☻fundraising ☻support of main office ☻special events Activities
☻independently organized by students ☻student needs (stationaries and others) ☻book fleamarket turnover goes to projects of Tierärzte ohne Grenzen e.V. Shop
☻Christmas campaign Cow meets Santa Presentation of our projects to students People “collecting“ Fundraising
☻Booster day ☻Gabriel´s visit (African vet) ☻Summerfestival Support of main office
Regional Group Berlin
☻University course:“Animal Health and Development Cooperation“ ☻Lecture on Avian Plague in developing countries ☻Gabriel‘s visit (African vet) Public lectures Activities
☻Info-stand and tombola at „Open- Door-Day“ of Veterinary Faculty ☻Info-stand and tombola at Small Animal Congress in Hamburg Activities
Good bye Thank you very much for your attention