Once upon a time, in the prosperous city of Hamelin, people used to live happy. But after a period of big, a plague of appeared and life became very sad. One fine day, a arrived to the where the lived.
The said: -I am able to set the city free of. Tonight there will be none of them. The answered: -If you do it, I will give you a big. Then, the started to play a lovely melody. The loved the chant and followed him.
The took them to a far away place, the tried to cross a, but they could not swim and died. People of Hamelin were very happy and everything turned to normality. The following morning, the went to talk with the and he said: - I did the job. Give me the.
The answered: -Go away. Do you really think I am going to pay you for such as tiny thing? The got angry and played a lovely song. This time were the who followed the musician. The took the to a far away place and they never went back.
That was what happened because of the avarice of the. Since then, Hamelin is an empty city, where you cannot find or.