A Lovely Day Synthia LaFontaine Turn up speakers
If they planned a day so lovely That the sunrise inspired a tear…
Crisp clarity would be noted In that clean pure air Of the simple little office Especially prepared for me there
There is a perfect reason For making that wise choice That’sdelivered to me often As I recall mymother’svoice
When she told me how to live life With her Final living breath…
If a bomb destroyed this place As you fret about your life Would you regret…… Complaining about your troubles and your strife?
Wouldn’t you beg Wouldn’t you beg for one more chance… To feel anything… at all? Even those rough and sticky patches That trip you up and make you fall?
You know you’d ask for more time You’dpromiseto not complain… Whether life Was filled with pleasure … Or full of problems and and great pain
A Lovely Day Synthia LaFontaine
You’d swear you’d stop the thinking That causes you to believe That anything is awful And avow to always perceive….
Oh, the call would come the next day Explaining how he erred But imagine how the world would change… If we had all felt that scared…?
You’ll have nothing to regret When God… takes up… …your hand
Why not decide each day is lovely? No matter what and Come what may Why not be grateful to be alive
freedom by rosiehardy / © All rights reserved On Black: freedom by r Synthia LaFontaine Gratefully blessed