Mrs. LaSpina’s 8 th grade homeroom Welcome, students!
Welcome to 8 th Grade! A little about me! This is my 14 th year of teaching here at St. Gabes and my 20 th year altogether. I am married and have 5 children, 3 daughters and 2 sons. I also have 3 granddaughters and a grandson. I love reading, singing, cooking, traveling, baseball, the Cleveland Indians and Cleveland Browns and teaching you!!
Topics to Be Covered Morning Procedures Lockers Classroom Rules Schedules Binders and assignment notebooks Homework policy Powerschool and TeacherWeb Organization is key Study Hall Classroom Jobs
Morning Procedures When you arrive, always check the front board to see if there is any change in schedule or special supply you need to bring with you that day. Go to your locker and get your supplies for the first 4 periods of the day. This is a change from 7 th grade. (This includes books, binders, assignment notebook, pencil pouch and anything else you were asked to bring to your classes. ) Put your coat and book bag into your locker. Once you’ve gotten your supplies bring them in and put them on your desk.
More Morning Procedures If you have any forms, fees or letters to hand in to me, put them in the basket on the corner of my desk. Once you have gotten ALL you need for your first 4 classes, you may hang out in any of the three 8 th grade homerooms. YOU MAY NOT HANG AROUND IN THE HALLS OR GO TO THE 7 TH GRADE END OF THE HALL! IF YOU NEED TO GO ANYWHERE OTHER THAN MRS. OSTER’S, MRS. GRAHAM’S OR OUR HOMEROOM, YOU MUST GET PERMISSION FROM ME FIRST. When the 7:55 bell rings, come back to homeroom and be seated in your assigned seat. Morning announcements will be on the Activboard at 8:00 am. We will listen to announcements silently!
Final Morning Procedures After announcements our prayer leader will lead us in intentions and the Our Father. (We will also pray before lunch and at the end of the day). When the 8:15 bell rings, move quietly down the right side of the hall to your 1 st period class.
Lockers Your lockers should have shelving and should be kept neat and organized. You may decorate the inside of your locker but not the outside. You may go to your lockers only at the following times: Before 7:55 After 4 th period After Special After we come back from lunch and I dismiss you At the end of study hall
Homeroom Rules Be respectful, responsible and kind. Be in your seat and quiet when the 7:55 bell rings. I need to know where you are at all times-do not go anywhere without permission. Stay seated unless given permission to get up Respect other people’s property. Obey all school rules.
Labeling Binders Using black sharpie, label binders as follows on the front and along side. Reading – Red Math – Green English – Blue Religion – White Social Studies – Purple Science - Yellow
Assignment Notebooks Glue or tape your schedule inside the front cover of your assignment notebook. Write your name on the outside of your assignment notebook in black sharpie.
Homework Policy We will go over the hw policy together as a class, then you need to sign it, have a parent sign it and bring it back to me tomorrow.
Powerschool and TeacherWeb You and your parents can access your grades at any time on Powerschool. If you have difficulty, let me know and we can speak with Mrs. Gravagna about it. All assignments, announcements and much other information is on my TeacherWeb page. Teacher Web Teacher Web
Organization is the key to a successful year. Students are expected to bring all materials necessary for class. Assignment notebooks are required at all times in all classes. All test/quizzes, classwork, and homework will be required to be kept in your binders.
Study Hall I will pick you up from lunch and we will walk back to homeroom together as a class. I may need to make announcements or give you papers to take home at that time. After I dismiss you, you may go to your locker and get ALL supplies you need for Study Hall. You will not be allowed to go to your locker more than once so get everything the first time!
Study Hall (cont) We will have a homework board where all class assignments are written in case you forgot to write something down. If you have a pass or need to go somewhere during study hall you MUST ask me. It is my responsibilty to know where you are at all times!
Let’s Pick Classroom Jobs! Any volunteers? Prayer Leader - Red Envelope - Lunch Baskets – Homework Board -
I am so happy you are in my homeroom! Let’s Have a Great Year!