It’s like music in a scary movie!
The use of hints or clues to suggest what will happen later in literature. Foreshadowing can warn of future events and/or create suspense.
Read the following example of foreshadowing: “People say the shortcut is cursed and that using it will bring serious consequences,” Carlos chuckled. “But I don’t believe them.” What does Carlos’s description of the shortcut suggest about his decision to take it? What is the author trying to do by telling the reader this information?
What clues does this scene from Harvey Dent (Two Face) give you about his character?
What clues does this opening monologue give you?
Foreshadowing is a writer’s use of clues to hint at events that will happen later in the story. By using this technique as he develops the plot of “A Sound of Thunder,” Bradbury creates suspense, making his readers eager to know what will happen next. Foreshadowing often occurs when a character makes an unusual statement or issues a strong warning, as in this example: “So be careful. Stay on the Path. Never step off!”
“A Sound of Thunder” by Ray Bradbury describes a safari back to the time of dinosaurs. Eckels, a hunter, is warned not to disturb the jungle. But his actions result in a future dictatorial government and his own death. Let’s look at some examples of foreshadowing in this story.
In the story, Ray Bradbury uses foreshadowing several times to warn the reader about what will happen later. Foreshadowing: “We’re lucky. If Deutsher had gotten in, we’d have the worst kind of dictatorship. Outcome: Deutsher wins and becomes a dictator. Foreshadowing: “A little error here would multiply in sixty million years, all out of proportion.” Outcome: Killing a butterfly changes the future. Foreshadowing: “I’m warning you, Eckels, I might kill you yet.” Outcome: Travis (the speaker) kills Eckels
Look at the following lines and answer the question. Page 39, Lines What might the man’s warning to Eckels foreshadow? Page 40, Lines What might the conversation about the election results foreshadow? Page 41, Lines What might Travis’s warning to the hunters foreshadow? How does his warning create suspense?
On a sheet of notebook paper, write down five examples of foreshadowing you are familiar with. They can be from movies, television, or literature. When you write down your example, explain what event it foreshadowed. This will be your exit slip.