The Use and Abuse of Psychoactive Drugs Chapter 9
2 Addictive Behavior Habits that have gotten out of control, with a resulting negative effect on a persons health. Characteristics between a habit and an addiction Reinforcement Compulsion or Craving Loss of Control Escalation Negative Consequences
3 Development of an Addictive Behavior Harmless or even beneficial if done in moderation Characteristics of the additive behavior Common behaviors Addictions with shared characteristics Compulsive or pathological
4 Examples of Additive Behaviors Compulsion or Pathological Gambling Sex and Love addiction Compulsive spending or shopping Internet addiction
5 Drug use, Abuse and Dependence The Drug Tradition Drug abuse and Dependence APA - substance = Drug, Substance dependence = addiction Involves Abuse of substance without physically dependent
7 Drug Dependence Substance dependence 1. Developing tolerance 2. Experiencing withdrawal 3. Taking in larger amounts 4. Expressing a persistent desire to cut down 5. Spending great deal of time obtaining 6. Giving up or reducing important activities 7. Continual usage even with recognition of a problem 8. Diagnosed with at least 3 or more symptoms 9. Experience tolerance or withdrawal without being considered dependent
8 Reasons for Drug Use Who uses drugs? Young people are drawn Experiment Escape Reliance Magnification of residence Why do people use drugs? Risk factors for Dependence
9 Four Categories of Factors Determine How a Drug Will Affect the Body 1. Brain chemistry 2. Drug factor: Pharmacological properties Dose-Response function Time-action function Drug use history Method of use 3. User Factor 4. Social Factors
11 Psychoactive Drugs Opiods (narcotics) Natural or synthetic Methods of administration Induce euphoria Symptoms of overdose
12 Psychoactive Drugs Central Nervous System Depressants Sedative-hypnotics Effects on the body Types Effects Medical uses From use to abuse
14 Psychoactive Drugs Central Nervous System Stimulants Cocaine –Methods of use –Effects –Abuse and Dependence –Use during pregnancy
15 Psychoactive Drugs Central Nervous System Stimulants Amphetamines –Effects –From use to abuse –Dependence Ritalin Ephedrine Caffeine
16 Psychoactive Drugs Marijuana Cannabis Sativa THC Short term effects and uses Long-term effects and uses Dependence
17 Psychoactive Drugs Hallucinogens LSD, Mascaline, DMT, MDMA, Ketamine, and PCP Synesthia Altered state of consciousness Flashbacks
18 Psychoactive Drugs Inhalants Volatile solvents Nitrates Anesthetics Methods of use
19 Drug Use: The Decades Ahead Drug research Drug costs on society financially and human suffering Legalization Drug Testing
20 Signs of Drug Dependence Withdrawal Rebellious Loss of interest Decline in school performance Change in friends Change in sleep patterns Money issues
21 Professional Treatment Programs Drug substitution Treatment centers Self-help groups and peer counseling Codependency Prevention
22 Role of Drugs in Your Life Issues to Consider What to do instead of drugs.