WEEK #5 CIRCLE RUN 5 & under.John & Mary C The players place their ball in the middle of the circle next to the cone and return to their cone. The coach calls out two names and they run counter clockwise around the circle back to their cone, and run to the ball pile and dribble a ball back to their cone. Goal of the drill is to dribble under control. The drill continues until all the players have gotten a ball back to their cone. Sammy & Billy Press F5 to start the drill
WEEK #5 CIRCLE RUN 5 & under.John & Mary C The players place their ball in the middle of the circle next to the cone and return to their cone. The coach calls out two names and they run counter clockwise around the circle back to their cone, and run to the ball pile and dribble a ball back to their cone. Goal of the drill is to dribble under control. The drill continues until all the players have gotten a ball back to their cone. Sammy & Billy CLICK for next drill
WEEK #5 CREEPY CRAWLERS 5 & under C The players get in the crab position towards the middle of the field. The coach will add soccer balls and the players must try to dribble the ball over the end line from the crab position. Have fun and join in! After they score have them run back to the coach with the ball and start again. Players should not steal the ball from other players. They are all on the same team. Score here
WEEK #5 CREEPY CRAWLERS 5 & under C The players get in the crab position towards the middle of the field. The coach will add soccer balls and the players must try to dribble the ball over the end line from the crab position. Have fun and join in! After they score have them run back to the coach with the ball and start again. Players should not steal the ball from other players. They are all on the same team. Score here CLICK for next drill
WEEK #5 SOCCER GOLF 5 & under C The players “TEE OFF” one at a time behind a line on the field. After the players have all had their first shot, the player closest to the hole takes their second shot. Set up to “tee off” for hole #2. Change the order of who goes first. After they make it in the hole have them wait on the side and cheer the other players on. Players should sit on their ball while waiting for their next shot. Do not touch the other players’ ball. Hole #1 Hole #2