ATC47,800130,000150, ,000383,000366,000 DHH0100,000240, ,000 OJJDP ,000360,000 FDA00260, LTA00350,000325,000300,000 RVP00650,000 TOTAL47,800230,0001,650,0001,625,0001,399,0001,813,0001,796,000 Source of Funding and Yearly Expenditures for ATC Underage Access Program Enforcement (in 1000’s)
Timeline in Reduction of Underage Access to Tobacco in Louisiana Non-compliance Rate Year
Timeline of Programs to Reduce Underage Access to Alcohol in Louisiana
Funding By Department of Health and Hospitals Impact of Compliance Checks Consistency in Numbers FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30 TH ; TOTAL CHECKS COMBINED FROM LOUISIANA ATC AND OUTSIDE SOURCES ♦ 1996:400 checks; Noncompliance=58% ♦ 1998: 13,000 checks;Noncompliance =28% ♦ 1999: 10,500 checks;Noncompliance=19% ♦ 2000: 11,500 checks;Noncompliance=12% ♦ 2001: 5,245 checks;Noncompliance=21% ** ♦ 2002: 11,000 checks; Noncompliance=7.6% **There were less checks in the year 2001 as a result of budget restraints.