Cultural Differences in Science ALL MUST Know that some different cultures around the world might have different views to us. Design a poster for school children MOST SHOULD Know that scientific advances have to take in to account different cultures SOME COULD Design a poster for adult audience
Cultural Differences in Science Would you drink camel milk? Why drink camel milk? News/Camel-Milk-Camelicious-Dairy-From- Dubai-Hoping-To-Export-White-Gold-Of-The- Desert-To- Europe/Article/ ?f=rss 1/focuson/focuson5.htmlhttp:// 1/focuson/focuson5.html
Camel Milk You have a choice: 1.All must complete the questions about camel milk. Then, either 2. Design an advertising POSTER OR ordinary poster advising about the benefits of camel milk. OR 3.Script and animate a tv ad for camel milk which must be FACTUAL and not silly. Make it a video!