Land Biomes Of the World Tropical Rain Forest Desert Grassland Temperate Forest Boreal Forest Tundra
Tropical Rain Forest Tropical Rainforests Climate: It rains almost everyday. Very warm (humid) Consumers: Tigers, leopards, pythons, insects, spiders, tree frogs, monkeys, snakes, colorful birds, ants, firefly, orangutan, and three-toed sloth Producers: more kinds of plants grow in the tropical rainforest than other biomes. Palm trees, ferns, banana leaf vines, and flowers. Extra facts: located near the equator ½ of all animals on earth live in the rainforest. More tree dwelling creatures than any other biome. Insects have evolved to have lots of predator adaptation due to the numerous amount of predators. Tropical Rainforests
Website with great pictures
Emergent Layer Canopy Understory Forest Floor
Nocturnal Animals that are active at night and sleep during the day
Diurnal Organisms active during the day and sleep at night.
Desert Desert Climate: Very dry, little precipitation, hot days, cool nights Consumers: Snakes, lizards, kangaroo rats, tortoises, jackrabbits, and camels. Producers: Very few; cacti, saguaro, yucca. Plants store water and have very small leaves and thorns. Extra facts: Animals active during day are called diurnal. Active at night called nocturnal. Very few large animals live in the desert because large amounts of food and water are hard to find. Different types of Deserts. Sahara vs. Arizona desert
Sahara Desert – Lots of Sand, few producers and Camels.
Arizona Desert = Cacti, Joshua trees, I do not want to see a picture of a cactus next to a camel they do not live in the same Desert!
Grassland Climate: moderate to very warm most of the year, short winters, & humid summers. Average amount of precipitation. Consumers: Antelope, badgers, prairie dogs, moles, ground squirrels, hares, gophers, & many birds. Producers: grasses, very few trees Extra facts: also called savannas, velds, papas, prairies, and steppes
Deciduous Trees -trees that drop their leaves and grow new ones each year. Leaves change color. Video about different types of trees. Coniferous Trees-(evergreens) trees that produce their seed in cones and have needle shaped leaves. They stay green all year.
All Bulldogs are dogs. (true) All Dogs are Bull dogs. (false) All Conifers are Evergreens (true) All Evergreens are Conifers. (false) All Conifers are Evergreens (true) All Evergreens are Conifers
All Conifers are Evergreens (true) All Evergreens are Conifers
CCMS Tree Observation Hypothesis: If we walk around CCMS then we will see more __________________ trees. As we walk the campus we will discuss the various trees around campus and tally up how many of each type of tree we have. Deciduous Trees Evergreen Trees Conifers Other
Deciduous Forest Climate: warm summers, cold winters, moist spring, four seasons. Precipitation varies Consumers: bears, deer, foxes, raccoons, opossums, squirrels, insects, and birds. Producers: wildflowers, ferns, mosses, some evergreens, most are deciduous, such as oak, hickory, beech and maple tree. MOST OF THE TREES ARE DECIDUOUS (leaves change color in fall) Extra Facts: leaves fall off the tree in fall therefore there is lots of dead leaves on the ground. Many animals hibernate. (video)
Boreal Forest (Coniferous Forest, Taiga) Climate: cold, some rain, large amounts of snow fall. Winter 6 months of the year. Consumers: deer, ducks, geese, moose, mountain goats, bears, bighorn sheep, rabbits, squirrels, porcupine. Producers: spruces, firs, pines, aspens, poplars, mosses, lichens, wildflowers MOST OF THE TREES ARE CONIFERS (trees with cones) Extra facts: Most trees are evergreens (trees that stay green all year). Video (2 minutes) Brain pop on Taiga Culverms ccmspanthers
Climate: very cold, little precipitation, snow on the ground all but two months of the year. Consumers: reindeer, arctic foxes, wolves, snowy owls, hawks, eagles, falcons, lemmings, voles, marmots, mosquitoes, and flies. Producers: during two summer months Mosses, grasses, shrubs, lichens NO TREES because the soil is frozen called permafrost. Extra facts: very, very cold Tundra Brain bop on Tundra Tundra video Review Video of all 6 land biomes.
Permanently Frozen Soil Permafrost Permanently Frozen Soil
No trees in the tundra. Willow is technically a tree and this is as big as it gets!
Warm-up # 1 What is a Biome? What are the 6 main land biomes? What two factors make up the climate of a biome? What are the levels of ecological organization starting with the smallest unit and going up.
Warm-up # 1 Which biome is located at the equator? Why do rainforest plants have large leaves? Which biome is located at the equator? What two factors make up the climate of a biome? What are the levels of ecological organization starting with the smallest unit and going up.
Warm-up # 2 Explain why desert plants have small leaves and TRF plants have large wide leaves. What are two abiotic factors you can compare between biomes? What are the four layers of the tropical rain forest name an organism found at each level. What are 3 carnivores that live in the desert?
Warm-up # 3 What makes the American Desert and the Sahara Desert both Deserts? What makes them different? What ecological role do both the Lion from the African Savannah and the Giant Anteater from the Brazilian Savannah play?
Warm-up # 3 What is the difference between a Deciduous Tree and a Evergreen tree? Why are conifers triangle in shape and have needle shaped leaves? What are two abiotic factors you can compare between biomes?
Warm-up # 4 What is a biome? What is the difference between producers in the Boreal Forest and the Deciduous Forest? Explain why desert plants have small leaves and TRF plants have large wide leaves. Create a food chain found in the Boreal Forest? What are two abiotic factors you can compare between biomes?
Warm-up # 4 What is the difference between a Deciduous Tree and a Coniferous Tree? What are 2 herbivores that live in the grassland? List a producer found in the TRF, Grassland and Desert. What role do mushrooms play in the Tropical Rain Forest?
Warm-up # 4 2. What are 3 carnivores that live in the desert? 1. What are the four layers of the tropical rain forest name an organism found at each level. 2. What are 3 carnivores that live in the desert? 3. Why can’t trees grow in the Tundra? 4. List 4 organisms found predominately in the Deciduous Forest?
Warm-up # 5 Create a Venn diagram of the three forest biomes.
Warm-up #3 Name four Biotic factors found mostly in the Deciduous Forest. Describe the 4 layers of the Tropical Rain Forest. Which 2 Biomes have evergreen trees? Which biome has warm temperatures all year long. What is a large ecosystem which has similar populations and climate throughout.
Warm-up # 6 Name the 6 biomes that you have studied. What is permafrost? What 2 abiotic factors determined climate, therefore the type of biomes that can exist? What are some ways that humans can alter (change) a biome? Recall the cycles that you learned about (water, carbon, nitrogen). Give an example of how altering a biome would impact one of these cycles?
Emergent Layer Canopy Understory Forest Floor
Warm-up # 5 Create a Venn diagram of the three treeless biomes.
Desert Article Questions What is a Joshua Tree? What are five different producers found in the desert? What is causing some deserts to expand? Is this a bad thing? (explain) How do desert flowers survive droughts? What is a resurrection plant? How do cactus survive the desert?