TICKLIST Your proposal  Your House style  Your site plan  Page plans (a draft layout for each of your five pages)  A design mock-up -  All documents.


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Presentation transcript:

TICKLIST Your proposal  Your House style  Your site plan  Page plans (a draft layout for each of your five pages)  A design mock-up -  All documents should be placed in your HAND IN folder

My Proposal NAME OF MY WEBSITE Egypt – Land of the ancients THE PURPOSE OF MY WEBSITE The purpose of my website is to inform visitors about the attractions on offer in Ancient Egypt and modern Egypt. Ancient Egypt in the form of the temples at Karnak, Luxor, Valley of the Kings and Giza. Then modern Egypt by a look at the modern red Sea resort of Sharm-el-sheikh. I plan to feature a few truly memorable hotels from both areas to underline what a luxurious experience visiting Egypt is. I will include a page so that visitors can give me feedback on my website so it can be improved in the future DETAILS OF TARGET AUDIENCE My website will be mainly aimed at the age group and who are looking for a luxurious experience and prepared to pay a little bit more than normal for it. Therefore I will include some 5 star hotels in ancient and modern Egypt to cater for my target audience. Also this age group are more likely to go sight seeing round the ancient sites so I will include information to attract them to visit the ancient temples and pyramids

Representing this in Design The colours that I will use are gold, white and brown. I am using these colours because the yellow represents the sun (it’s a very sunny country) brown represents the rocky mountains of the desert. I am using white for the background because it will contrast with the black text. TEXT – I will use Book Antiqua and MATISSE for the Banner and on the hyperlinks, but Arial text for the bulk of the Text. This is because the first two are styled like ancient writing but Arial is a clear font good for blocks of text on a website Images – these images will be part of my house style and appear on every page. The temple represents the ancient world of Egypt and the sun the fact that it is a hot country

Example Site Map HOME PAGE Ancient Egypt Red SeaHotelsFeedback My address Show how pages are linked internally (within the web site) Show external links (to web pages outside of your website)

image Navigation buttons / bar – links to other pages in my website Banner Second navigation bar – links to external sites TEXT Rollover buttons next page – Ancient Egypt Banner to advertise website – colours will be brown and sand Information about what is on the website Images about modern and ancient Egypt HOME PAGE PLAN Background will be white

image Navigation buttons / bar – links to other pages in my website – colours gold and brown Banner Second navigation bar – links to external sites TEXT Rollover buttons next page – Red Sea and last page – home page Banner to advertise website – brown and sand Text about the Valley of the kings – Arial font Valley of the kings image, Karnak temple and Giza pyramids ANCIENT EGYPT PAGE PLAN image TEXT Text about the Karnak temple Text about the Giza pyramids Background will be white

image Navigation buttons / bar – links to other pages in my website – colours gold and brown Banner Second navigation bar – links to external sites TEXT Rollover buttons next page -hotels –and last page – Red Sea Angelfish to a Camel rollover feature Banner to advertise website – brown and sand – MATISSE font Underwater reef picture RED SEA PAGE PLAN image Text about the red Sea area – beaches and sea life – Arial font Red Sea beach image Background will be white

image Navigation buttons / bar – links to other pages in my website – colours gold and brown. Matisse font Banner Second navigation bar – links to external sites – brown fills with gold Arial text TEXT Rollover buttons next page – Feedback and last page – red Sea Angelfish to a Camel rollover feature Banner to advertise website – gold, brown and sand Text about the Hyatt Resort Images of the three luxury hotel chains to be featured (Hyatt, Hilton and Ritz Carlton) HOTELS PAGE PLAN image TEXT Text about the Hilton Resort Text about the Ritz Carlton resort

image Navigation buttons / bar – links to other pages in my website (gold with brown text – Matisse) Banner Second navigation bar – links to external sites (brown with gold text) TEXT Rollover buttons next page –home page –and last page – hotels Banner to advertise website – gold and sand and brown colours Image of a customer FEEDBACK PAGE PLAN Text (Arial)– why we want feedback Feedback questions Radio buttons for selecting answers Drop down menus for selecting answers to questions Submit button

HOMEAncient EgyptRED SEAHOTELSFEEDBACK Welcome to Egypt Banner – uses house colours, text and images Navigation buttons for external links (house colour) Horizontal navigation bar for moving to other pages in the website- uses house font and colours Rollover button to get to the next page, starts as a picture of an angelfish and changes into a picture of a camel when you roll your mouse over it Mock up to show use of house colours and images