Dromedary Camel Bactrian Camel Middle East Asia What does each camel tell you about the environment that they live in? What can you infer about each climate?
I. The Arabian Peninsula A. Climate 1.Receives very little rainfall 2.Interior is dry; but extremely humid in coastal regions 3.Temperatures up to 129° F 4.Rub’ al Khali- largest sand sea on Earth
B. B__________ 1.N________ : people who travel from place to place in search of food and water people who travel from place to place in search of food and water 2. Raised sheep, camels, and goats 3.Guides for trade C ____________ – traders who travel across the desert in a large group Why?
C. Mecca 1. Busy trading center in Saudi Arabia 2. Goods, such as: perfume, spices, cloth and gold
Abraham What do you know about Abraham? Brainstorm some ideas in your notebook. Ideas –Who? –Where? –When? –What did he do? –Why is he important?
The Beginnings of Islam
Islam: “Surrender to the Will of God” Muslim: “One who has surrendered to God”
Quick Facts About Islam 1.3 BILLION followers worldwide Founded in 610 CE by the prophet Muhammad Monotheistic – belief in ALLAH Holy City: Mecca, Saudi Arabia Holy Book: Quran/Koran Worship: Mosques Spiritual Leaders: imams
II. Abraham’s descendants A.Abraham and Sarah B.Abraham and Hagar C.Ishmael Descendants- ___________ Built Kaaba- temple to God; holiest shrine of Islam D. Issac – descendants- _____________
Who are the people pictured? What is the relationship between them? What is significant about the man on the left?
III. MUHAMMAD “highly praised” A. Born 570 CE in M_ _ _ _ B. Adopted by Uncle C. Worked on caravan; traveled to distant places D. 610 CE – Muhammad pray in cave; visited by angel Gabriel
III. The Prophet Muhammad E. Muhammad’s Mission 1. Claimed God spoke to him; wanted people to submit to (agree to obey) the one true God named ______ 2. People in Mecca feared his teachings and political power Why?
F. Muhammad in Medina 1. Moved to Yathrib where people saw him as a prophet 2. Yathrib renamed_______; became an Islamic center 3. Returned to Mecca and took over 4. 6/8/632: By his death, Islam had spread across the A_______ peninsula
Religion and Symbol FollowersFounderDEITy Holy Cities House of Worship Spiritual Guides Holy Days and Holidays Major Beliefs Judaism Christianity Islam
IV. Muslim Belief A. The Five P______ of Islam Declaration of F_____ Declare there is only 1 God Allah & Muhammad is his messenger P_____ 5 times per day; facing _______ A_______ A_______ Must give alms; _______ that goes to the needy F______ F______ Fast during daylight hours during month of R________ P_____ P_____hajj Must travel to M_______ at least once in life if able
B. Mosque- Muslim house of worship
C. Quran 1. Holy book of Islam 2. Contains messages God gave to Muhammad D. Role of Women 1.Quran taught men and women spiritually equal 2.Were given more rights by Quran
PURDAH ~ “curtain” ~ the practice of preventing men from seeing women ~ burqa and yashmak
Reflect on how would you feel if you had to dress like this and keep yourself covered at all times Reflect on how would you feel if you had to dress like this and keep yourself covered at all times What would your interaction be with other people? Do you think you could do the things you do today? How would you feel if your close friends and family could not see you and you could not see them? How would dressing like this feel in the climate of the Middle East? How does this make you feel about your own freedom? Would you enjoy dressing like this? Why? Why not? Why do you think this is a requirement in some areas? What are the advantages of dressing this way? What are the disadvantages?
G. A Split Among Muslims Muslim world split after 4 Rightly Guided Caliphs 1.Shiites- smaller group argued leader should be, direct descendant of Muhammad 15% of Muslims Iran (90% Shiite) 2.Sunnis- larger group, argued any true Muslim could become leader and a group of scholars should interpret the Koran 85 % of Muslims