Adv. UNIX:Perl/81 Advanced UNIX v Objectives of these slides: –introduce Perl (version ) –mostly based on Chapter 1, Learning Perl Special Topics in Comp. Eng. 1 Semester 2, Introduction to Perl
Adv. UNIX:Perl/82 Overview 1. Starting with Perl 2. I/O 3. If-else 4. while 5. Arrays (lists) continued
Adv. UNIX:Perl/83 6. Handling Varying Input 7. Subroutines 8. File Processing 9. Reporting 10. Using the UNIX DBM Database 11. The Web and Perl
Adv. UNIX:Perl/84 1. Starting with Perl v Practical Extraction and Report Language –Larry Wall, from 1987 v Features combine shell, awk, many UNIX tools, C libraries (all coded in Perl). v Emphasis on string manipulation, table generation, REs, excellent libraries –especially good Internet/Web libraries continued
Adv. UNIX:Perl/85 v On many platforms; free Many man and info pages. Many newsgroups (e.g. comp.lang.perl ) v Perl v.5 –OOP, more REs, modules –backward compatible with v.4 –check your version by typing: $ perl -v
Adv. UNIX:Perl/ Books v Learning Perl Randal L. Schwartz & Tom Christiansen O'Reilly, 1997, 2nd ed. v Programming Perl Larry Wall & Randal L. Schwartz O'Reilly, 2000, 3rd ed. –not easy to read, more of a reference text In our library
Adv. UNIX:Perl/ Web Resources v The main Perl site: –current Perl version, documentation, libraries (CPAN), FAQs, tools and utilities, features –reference sections on: u applications (e.g. games, graphics), Web, networking, system admin, etc. continued
Adv. UNIX:Perl/88 v Resources about Perl –e.g. tutorials, manuals, Web-related, recommended books, example scripts – computing/perl.html v A beginner's Guide to Perl –
Adv. UNIX:Perl/ Hello World ( $ cat #!/usr/bin/perl print "Hello, world!\n"; $ chmod u+x $ Hello, world! Or: $ perl
Adv. UNIX:Perl/ I/O #!/usr/bin/perl # print "What is your name? "; $name = ; chop($name); print "Hello, $name!\n"; $ perl What is your name? andrew Hello, andrew! $
Adv. UNIX:Perl/ if-else #!/usr/bin/perl # print "What is your name? "; $name = ; chop($name); if ($name eq "Randal") { print "Hello, Sir Randal!\n"; } else { print "Hello, $name!\n"; # ordinary }
Adv. UNIX:Perl/ while #!/usr/bin/perl # $secretword = "llama"; print "What is your name? "; $name = ; chop($name); if ($name eq "Randal") { print "Hello, Sir Randal!\n"; } : continued Not very secret Guess the secret word
Adv. UNIX:Perl/813 else { print "Hello, $name!\n"; # ordinary print "Secret word? "; $guess = ; chop($guess); while ($guess ne $secretword) { print "Wrong, try again: "; $guess = ; chop($guess); } } $ perl What is your name? andrew Hello, andrew! Secret word? foobar Wrong, try again: llama $
Adv. UNIX:Perl/ Arrays = ("camel", "llama", "oyster"); $words[0] is "camel" List variables begin –$words[0] is a value in the list, so uses $
Adv. UNIX:Perl/815 = ("camel", "llama", "oyster"); print "What is your name? "; $name = ; chop($name); if ($name eq "Randal") { print "Hello, Sir Randal!\n"; } : continued Guess the secret word (v.2) An array of secret words
Adv. UNIX:Perl/816 else { print "Hello, $name!\n"; # ordinary print "Secret word? "; $guess = ; chop($guess); $i = 0; # index $correct = "maybe"; # dummy value : continued
Adv. UNIX:Perl/817 while ($correct eq "maybe") { if ($words[$i] eq $guess) { # right? $correct = "yes"; } elsif ($i ; chop($guess); $i = 0; # start words again } } } The user can win by guessing any of the secret words.
Adv. UNIX:Perl/818 Usage $ perl What is your name? andrew Hello, andrew! Secret word? foo Wrong, try again: bar Wrong, try again: llama $ one of the secret words
Adv. UNIX:Perl/ Associative Arrays (tables) PersonSecret Word fredcamel barneyllama bettyoyster wilmaoyster v %words = ("fred", "camel", "barney","llama", "betty", "oyster", "wilma", "oyster"); $words{"betty"} is "oyster" Associative array variables begin with % –e.g. %words –$words{"betty"} is a value in the list, so uses $
Adv. UNIX:Perl/820 #!/usr/bin/perl %words = ("fred","camel","barney","llama", "betty", "oyster", "wilma", "oyster"); print "What is your name? "; $name = ; chop($name); if ($name eq "Randal") { print "Hello, Sir Randal!\n"; } : continued Each user has their own secret word
Adv. UNIX:Perl/821 else { print "Hello, $name!\n"; # ordinary $secretword = $words{$name}; # get secret word print "Secret word? "; $guess = ; chop($guess); while ($guess ne $secretword) { print "Wrong, try again: "; $guess = ; chop($guess); } }
Adv. UNIX:Perl/822 Usage $ perl What is your name? barney Hello, barney! Secret word? oyster Wrong, try again: foobar Wrong, try again: llama $ barney's secret word!
Adv. UNIX:Perl/ Adding a Default Secret Word... $secretword = $words{$name}; if ($secretword eq "") { # not found! $secretword = "groucho"; } print "Secret word? ";...
Adv. UNIX:Perl/ Handling Varying Input (and others) treats "Randal" in a special way. But: "Randal L. Schwartz" or "randal" is treated like other users.
Adv. UNIX:Perl/ Replace eq by =~ and RE... if ($name =~ /^Randal/) { # it matches, do something } else { # no match, do something else }... REs are one of the big advantages of Perl
Adv. UNIX:Perl/ Extended REs Check for a word boundary with \b Ignore case with the i option (after the last / )
Adv. UNIX:Perl/ if ($name =~ /^randal\b/i) { # matches "Randal...", "ranDAL..." print "Hello, Sir Randal!\n"; } else { # no match, do something else }... Part of
Adv. UNIX:Perl/ Substitution and Translation Substitution: find and replace (like s/../../ in vi ). Translation: map characters to others (like tr )
Adv. UNIX:Perl/ print "What is your name? "; $name = ; chop($name); $name =~ s/\W.*//; # Get rid of everything # after first word. $name =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; # Make lowercase. if ($name eq "randal") { print "Hello, Sir Randal!\n"; }... e.g. Dr.Andrew Davison becomes dr
Adv. UNIX:Perl/ Subroutines sub good_word { # used in local($somename, $someguess) # input arguments $somename =~ s/\W.*//; $somename =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; if ($somename eq "randal") 1 # return true } elsif (($words{$somename} || "groucho") eq $someguess) { 1; } else { 0; # return false } } # end of subroutine Not a good feature
Adv. UNIX:Perl/831 Called in print "Secret word? "; $guess = ; chop($guess); while (! &good_word($name, $guess) ) { print "Wrong, try again: "; $guess = ; chop($guess); } } Don't forget the &
Adv. UNIX:Perl/ File Processing Read words from the "wordslist" file: sub init_words { # used inside open(WORDSLIST, "wordslist"); while ($name = ) { chop($name); $word = ; chop($word); $words{$name} = $word; } close(WORDSLIST); }
Adv. UNIX:Perl/833 wordslist Format fred camel barney llama betty oyster wilma oyster The code treats the file as four pairs: name secret-word
Adv. UNIX:Perl/834 Called in #!/usr/bin/perl &init_words; print "What is your name? "; $name = ; chop($name);...
Adv. UNIX:Perl/ File Tests sub init_words { # second version open(WORDSLIST, "wordslist"); if (-M WORDSLIST > 7) { die "Sorry, wordslist is too old"; } while ($name = ) { chop($name); $word = ; chop($word); $words{$name} = $word; } close(WORDSLIST); } -M is the file's modification date
Adv. UNIX:Perl/ The open() Command Similar to popen() in C –the command argument is executed and can be written to via an output stream In good_word :... open(MAIL, "| mail print MAIL "bad news $somename guessed $someguess\n"; close(MAIL);... mail MAIL
Adv. UNIX:Perl/ Filename Expansion v Assume several files of secret words: –ad.secret, yuk.secret Modify init_words() to read in all of these –but only if the files are less than 7 days old Store in the %words associative array Also called filename globbing
Adv. UNIX:Perl/838 sub init_words { # third version while ($filename = ) { open(WORDSLIST, $filename); if (-M WORDSLIST ) { chop($name); $word = ; chop($word); $words($name) = $word; } } close(WORDSLIST); } } filename expansion
Adv. UNIX:Perl/ The Password File v A typical password line: ad:x:42497:100:Dr.Andrew DAVISON,,,: /home/ad:/bin/bash –the user's details are in the 5th field u the GECOS field $< always contains the user's ID number (UID)
Adv. UNIX:Perl/840 #!/usr/bin/perl # = getpwuid( $< ); # get password data using the UID $name = $password[6]; # get the GECOS field (6th in Perl!) $name =~ s/,.*//; # throw away everything # after 1st comma if ($name =~ /^randal\b/i) { print "Hello, Sir Randal!\n"; }... There is a getpwuid() in C which does the same thing
Adv. UNIX:Perl/ Reporting : –list the *.secret files in the format: filename user-name secret-word
Adv. UNIX:Perl/842 #!/usr/bin/perl while ($filename = ) { open(WORDSLIST, $filename); if (-M WORDSLIST ) { chop($name); $word = ; chop($word); write; # invoke STDOUT format } } close(WORDSLIST); } continued
Adv. UNIX:Perl/843 STDOUT Format Definition format @<<<<<<<<<<< $filename, $name, $word. field definition line field value line continued
Adv. UNIX:Perl/844 Top of Page Format v Used every 60 lines by default: format STDOUT_TOP = # field definition line $% # number of pages printed Filename Name Word =========== ======= ========.
Adv. UNIX:Perl/845 Output $ Page 1 Filename Name Word ============= ======= ======== ad.secret andrew f1 ad.secret paul f2 ad.secret dr foobar yuk.secret jim c1 yuk.secret bob c2 $ The *.secret files may need to be 'touched'.
Adv. UNIX:Perl/ Using the UNIX DBM Database In, the time of the most recent correct guess is stored in %last_good $last_good{$name} = time; Problem: %last_good will be lost when the script terminates. Solution: store %last_good in a DBM database.
Adv. UNIX:Perl/ dbmopen(%last_good, "lastdb", 0666); $last_good{$name} = time; dbmclose(%last_good);... returns time in seconds since 1/1/1970 rw for everyone Revised
Adv. UNIX:Perl/848 Using v $ Hello, Dr.Andrew DAVISON! What is the secret word? bingo Wrong, try again. What is the secret word? foobar $ foobar is the secret word for dr (see slide 45)
Adv. UNIX:Perl/849 List the Last Guessses ( #!/usr/bin/perl dbmopen(%last_good,"lastdb",0666); foreach $name (sort keys(%last_good)) { $when = $last_good{$name}; $hours = (time - $when) / 3600; # compute hours ago write; # use STDOUT format } format STDOUT = last correct guess hours ago. $name, $hours.
Adv. UNIX:Perl/850 Output $ User Andrew DAVIS: last correct guess was 2066 hours ago. User Dr.Andrew DA: last correct guess was 0.07 hours ago. $ last year, when my user details were different
Adv. UNIX:Perl/ The Web and Perl v Perl supports sockets for building Web clients and servers. v A easier and faster way is to use the LWP modules –designed for Web (client) tasks –hides low-level networking issues
Adv. UNIX:Perl/852 Main LWP Features v Object oriented notation v Supports all of the HTTP protocol –e.g. GET, POST, HEAD, redirection v Handles authentication v Deals with proxy servers v Can use timed action v Has a framework for writing Web 'robots'
Adv. UNIX:Perl/ Retrieve a Web Page v !/usr/bin/perl # use LWP::Simple; # use module LWP/ print ( get $ARGV[0] ); $ Andrew Davison's Home Page at PSU :
Adv. UNIX:Perl/ Parse a Web Page v #!/usr/bin/perl # use LWP::Simple; use HTML::Parse; print parse_html( get $ARGV[0] )->format; $ Can't locate HTML/ in... $ call format method on the result
Adv. UNIX:Perl/ Extract Links v #!/usr/bin/perl # use LWP::Simple; use HTML::Parse; use HTML::Element; $phtml = parse_html( get $ARGV[0] ); for $phtml->extract_links() }) { $link = $_->[0]; # access array print "$link\n"; } $ call extract_links method on the $phtml object
Adv. UNIX:Perl/ Deal with Proxies v #!/usr/bin/perl # use LWP::UserAgent; use use my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; # local object $ua->proxy('http', ' $ua->no_proxy('coe.p-net'); my $request = new $ARGV[0]); my $response = $ua->request($request); if ($response->is_success) { print $response->content; } else { print $response->error_as_HTML; }
Adv. UNIX:Perl/857 Use (on fivedots) v $ perl Beginners Intro to Perl - Part Beginners Intro to Perl - Part 3 <meta name="robots" :
Adv. UNIX:Perl/ More Information on LWP On calvin : –man LWP –pod2text < /usr/lib/perl5/lwpcook.pod v Perl modules (including LWP) are in: /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/lib/perl5 v Related modules: –HTML, HTTP, MIME, URI, WWW continued
Adv. UNIX:Perl/859 v Web Client Programming with Perl Clinton Wong O'Reilly, 1997 I have a copy