Bovine tuberculosis in the Czech Republic Veterinary Research Institute, Brno, Czech Republic Ivo Pavlik
Czech Republic Prague Brno 400 th. cows 80 th. sheep 20 th. goats 18 th. horses 10 mil. inhabitants, 78 th. km 2
Tuberculins used in the Czech Republic since BOVITUBAL: M. bovis AN TU/ml (0.1 ml) AVITUBAL: M. a. avium D4, ER (IS901) comparative test TU/ml (0.1 ml) single test in birds TU/ml (0.1 ml) Since skin test is used only by before the transportation of animals Pavlik et al., Vet. Med. Czech, 2002,
2.24 mil Skin testing of cattle with bovine tuberculin in the Czech Republic (1992–1999) No. of tested animals Year Pavlik et al., Vet. Med. Czech, 2002,
No. of positive animals Year Positive reactors with bovine tuberculin in the Czech Republic (1992–1999) Pavlik et al., Vet. Med. Czech, 2002,
No. of tested animals Year Skin testing of cattle with avian tuberculin in the Czech Republic (1991–1999) Pavlik et al., Vet. Med. Czech, 2002,
No. of positive animals Year Positive reactors with avian tuberculin in the Czech Republic (1991–1999) Pavlik et al., Vet. Med. Czech, 2002,
Occurrence of bovine tuberculosis in other animals than cattle in the Czech Republic ( ) Other animals than cattle ZOO animals No. of animals Years Pavlik et al., Vet. Med. Czech, 2002, Pavlik et al., Vet. Med. Czech, 1998, Pavlik et al., Vet. Med. Czech, 2003,
1 2.4% % 3 7.3% % Origin of other animals than cattle infected by bovine tuberculosis in the Czech Republic ( ) ZOO animals Wild animals Animals in small herds Animal in circus Pavlik et al., Vet. Med. Czech, 2002, Pavlik et al., Vet. Med. Czech, 1998, Wild nature - Game park - Deer farm
Species No. ZOOYear of animals Jeopard3A1975, 1980 Orang-utan1B1975 Antelope2C1975 1A1983 Abyssinian Guareza1B1977 Tyger1A1978 Chimpanzee1C1979 European deer2B1979 Wolf2A1980, 1981 Capybara1D1989 Tapir2D1987 3E1994, 1995 Cassowary1F1994 Bison1B1993 Total Red deer1G1999 Bactrian camel2B2002 M. bovis in zoo animals in the Czech R. ( )
Occurrence of bovine tuberculosis in other animals than cattle in the Czech Republic ( ) Other animals ZOO animals No. of animals Pavlik et al., Vet. Med. Czech, 2002, Pavlik et al., Vet. Med. Czech, 1998,
Isolation of M. bovis from other animals besides cattle and zoo animals in the Czech R. ( ) SpeciesNo. ofYear animalsfarmers Domestic horse Domestic pig951977, 1978, 1979, 1995 European deer Mink21 (wild nature)1979 Wild goat1- (wild nature)1991 Camel11 (circus)1993 Total1616 Pavlik et al., Vet. Med. Czech, 1998, Pavlik et al., Vet. Med. Czech, 2002, (deer farm) 11 (wild nature)
Infected deer farm with M. caprae in the Czech Republic in 1999 Pavlik et al., Vet. Med. Czech, 2002,
Pavlik et al., Vet. Med. Czech, 2002,
Pavlik et al., Vet. Med. Czech, 2002,
One farmed red deer infected with M. caprae in the Czech Republic in 1999 Pavlik et al., Vet. Med. Czech, 2002,
Pavlik et al., Vet. Med. Czech, 2002,
Pavlik et al., Vet. Med. Czech, 2002,
Occurrence of M. bovis spoligotypes from S 1 S 7 S 2 S 3 S 4 S 5 S Type strain M. bovis capraeThe most common typeUnique 2002 Pavlik et al., Vet. Med. Czech, 2002,
Prague (deer ) Chomutov (deer ) ŽĎÁR n. S (cattle ) Znojmo (cattle ) Zlín 1989 (capybara) Levica (cattle ) East Prague (cattle ) S S S Spoligotyping of M. bovis isolates from animals ( ) (camel ) S M. bovis caprae Pavlik et al., Vet. Med. Czech, 2002,
The last infected cattle herd in the Czech Republic was diagnosed in 1995 Pavlik et al., Vet. Med. Czech, 2002,
First infected cow „Big Red“ (14 years old) Pavlik et al., Vet. Med. Czech, 2002,
Spread of M. b. caprae in an infected farm Cows Heifers Bulls Calves Total M. b. caprae Pavlik et al., Vet. Med. Czech, 2002,
Slaughtered cattle in the Czech Republic ( ) Year 1.04 mil No. of animals Pavlik et al., Vet. Med. Czech, 2002,
% of animals Year Detection of tuberculous lesions in slaughtered cattle in the Czech Republic ( ) Pavlik et al., Vet. Med. Czech, 2002,
M. bovisMAC Other mycobacterial spp Mycobacterial species isolated from tuberculous lesions from cattle (1990–1999) No. of isolates Pavlik et al., Vet. Med. Czech, 2002,
Spoligotyping in Mycobacterium tuberculosis PCR - oblast DR hybridisatin M. tuberculosis M. bovis M. caprae M. africanum M. microti Dvorska et al., Vet. Med. Czech, 2002,
Spoligotypes of members of M. tuberculosis complex Dvorska et al., Vet. Med. Czech, 2002,
Pavlik et al., Vet. Med. Czech, 2002,
Occurrence of M. bovis spoligotypes from S 1 S 7 S 2 S 3 S 4 S 5 S Type strain M. capraeThe most common typeUnique 2002 Pavlik et al., Vet. Med. Czech, 2002,
Ocurrence of M. caprae in Central Europe Erler et al., J. Clin. Microbiol., 2004, 42,
Prague (deer ) Chomutov (deer ) ŽĎÁR n. S (cattle ) Znojmo (cattle ) Zlín 1989 (capybara) Levica (cattle ) East Prague (cattle ) S S S Spoligotyping of M. bovis isolates from animals ( ) (camel ) S M. caprae Pavlik et al., Vet. Med. Czech, 2002,
The last infected cattle herd in the Czech Republic was diagnosed in 1995 Pavlik et al., Vet. Med. Czech, 2002,
First infected cow „Big Red“ (14 years old) Pavlik et al., Vet. Med. Czech, 2002,
Spread of M. caprae in an infected farm Cows Heifers Bulls Calves Total M. caprae Pavlik et al., Vet. Med. Czech, 2002,