Ku-Yaw Chang Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering Da-Yeh University.


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Presentation transcript:

Ku-Yaw Chang Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering Da-Yeh University

2014/10/05CSS - DHTML 2

2014/10/05CSS - DHTML 3

2014/10/05CSS - DHTML 4

 Every system, no matter small or huge, is a state machine.  Inputs (event) change states  States trigger actions 2014/10/05CSS - DHTML 5

 Policy  What to do  Easy to change  Mechanism  How to do  High reusability 2014/10/05CSS - DHTML 6

 Don’t use JavaScript library.  You are still not qualified.  Great chance to understand what a system is.  Experience a good design  Design for change  Realize techniques  DOM, CSS, JavaScript  Become a master, not a kindergarten 2014/10/05CSS - DHTML 7

 小駝峰式命名法 (lower camel case)  第一個單字以小寫字母開始;第二個單字的首字母大寫  firstName 、 lastName  大駝峰式命名法 (upper camel case)  每一個單字的首字母都採用大寫字母  FirstName 、 LastName 、 CamelCase  被稱為 Pascal 命名法  匈牙利命名法 (Hungarian Notation) 2014/10/05CSS - DHTML 8

 Each image has different  Life time (in seconds)  URL  Add two more buttons  3 rd button for auto play  4 th button for random play  Two existing buttons should still remain  Animation effect  On & Off  Fast & Slow 2014/10/05CSS - DHTML 9

2014/10/05CSS - DHTML 10