Turkey Michael Galuppo
The Land The borderland of Turkey is separated into three main areas. The Black Sea region, the Aegean region, and the Mediterranean region. The interior of the country is also separated into three regions, the Pontus and Taurus mountain ranges, the Anatolian Plateau, and the Eastern Highlands. The last area of the country is the Arabian Platform in the southeast of Turkey. Some of the major landforms in Turkey are the Aegean Sea, Sea of Marmara, Thracian Chersonese (a penninsula), Eflatun Pinar (a spring/oasis), Ballica Cave and Khanasor (a plain).
Wildlife/Vegetation Interesting animals in Turkey are the Van Cat, which is endangered and they are and all white cat with one blue eye and one hazel eye. Also, the Bald Ibis is an endangered bird that only live in colonies and looks similar to a vulture. Native Flowers and plants of Turkey are tulips, lilies, and also chickpeas, apricots, figs, hazelnuts, and cherries.
Government Turkey’s government is a Republican Parliamentary Memocracy, which means that the people elect their officials, and it is usually a Prime Minister.
Historical and Current Events -Turkey was once part of the powerful Ottoman Empire -In 1923 Turkey became a an independent nation -Current Event: (From Global Viewpoint) Differences in the Muslim world have pushed Iran and Turkey into violence. The question is, at the end of the day, Iran will look more like Turkey, or Turkey like Iran?
Economy Turkey is a active market with a well-developed infrastructure, and it has a unique position in the center of all trade that allows a great economy there. Turkey's work force is currently about 26 million people. The unemployment rate of the country is 9.5%.
Culture Turkey’s cultural aspects are similar to any other Middle Eastern country. Unlike other countries, Turkey’s main sporting events are camel wrestling, Turkish oil wrestling, javelin throws and skiing.
Tourist Attractions The Haghia Sophia Museum Blue Mosque Pamukkale Ephesus Cappadocia Region
Works Sited Nov 12, 2004 Turkey Landform Regions, ITA, Landforms of Turkey, Middle East Explorer Turkeyhttp:// Turkey Amazing Plants and Animals of Turkey, project/finished_ppt_webfiles/vv/emma_nicole_turkey_files/frame.htm project/finished_ppt_webfiles/vv/emma_nicole_turkey_files/frame.htm 2006 Turkey istanbul-002.jpg istanbul-002.jpg up-the-stairs.jpg up-the-stairs.jpg