Orthoptera: (Grasshoppers and Crickets)
Orthopterans all tend to have several traits Enlarged hind legs Big compound eyes (usually) Large pronotum If winged, forewings are thin and leathery Hind wings are broad and membranous Usually have two cerci Females often have large protruding ovipositor Generally are herbivorous Males often ‘chirp’ but in different ways
Tetrigidae: Pygmy Grasshoppers Very recognizable Small (3/4 th inch) Pronotum extends backward Otherwise look like ‘Grasshoppers’ Unusual in that they may overwinter as adults Eat algae, organic matter
Acrididae: ‘Short horned’ grasshoppers These ARE ‘grasshoppers’ Usually long forewings Short antennae, often thicker Have tympana Pronotum does NOT extend backwards Big pest for agriculture Produce low buzzing sound by rubbing wings together
What is a locust??? Locusts are specific type of grasshoppers On a year with lots of plants, grasshoppers multiply Next year, there are too many grasshoppers When crowded together, females hormones change Next generation are bigger, and migrate Eventually, when population spreads out again, grasshoppers return to normal
Tettigoniidae: Katydids, long horned Grasshoppers Very long and slender antennae (1:1) Have tympana on foreleg tibia Fairly large, katydids are usually green There are a few carnivores in this group Most eat leaves though Tend to have long forewings
Mormon cricket
Hump backed Tan or grey Long, threadlike antennae (1:1) Do not produce sound Do not usually have tympana Usually wingless Gryllacrididae: Camel Crickets
Jerusalem cricket
Gryllidae: Crickets, tree crickets Somewhat short/squat Long tapering antennae (1:2) Conspicuous cerci Shorter forewings Tympana on forelegs Tree crickets are small Green Small heads
Gryllotalpidae: Mole crickets Crickets that specialize in burrowing Have enlarged digging forelegs Forewings cover half abdomen Hind wings are longer Feed on plant roots Have very large rounded pronotum