By Lachlan Broadhurst
Question 1
Question 2
W HAT FAMILY IS THE O KAPI FROM ? Giraffe White tailed deer Okapi Diprotodon Helladotherium Giraffidae family
Question 3
Question 4
W HAT DO O KAPI ’ S EAT ? Okapi’s are herbivores. Okapi’s are ruminants, which means they swallow their food without chewing. They eat leaves, grass, ferns, fruit and fungi. Okapi’s are eaten by leopards and other big cats. They have a blue/black tongue over 45cm long. They can eat from pounds of food every day. Some of the food that the Okapi eats can be poisonous to humans.
Question 5
D O WE HAVE AN EFFECT ON THE O KAPI ? It is estimated that there is only 25,000 Okapi’s left in the wild. Natives in the ituri rainforest accidently catch Okapi’s in the traps that are meant for smaller animals. Okapi’s stay well away from humans (they only like the zookeepers when they feed them). People used to hunt for Okapi’s.
Question 6
F ACTS ABOUT THE O KAPI. The Okapi is usually quiet, but can make sounds. The Okapi “grunts" when greeting each other and sometimes even their zoo-keepers (only when it’s feeding time). The young calves "bleat" to their mothers. Some have even made soft "moo" noises! It lives to about 30 years. It pee’s to mark it’s territory. It has one calf every 2-3 years The stripes on the Okapi’s legs are thought to help the calf see it’s mother.
Q UI Z Instructions (the answer’s are from the information I just told you)
Instructio ns *you are only allowed to use one thing to help you per turn. *I will give you no help. *The crowd is not allowed to shout out the answer. Start
W RONG ! Start Again Ears like mine aren’t just pretty! You should get some.
W HERE IS THE O KAPI FOUND ? A) The Amazon rainforest. B) The Gondwana rainforest C) The Ituri Rainforest D) The Wasabi rainforest 50/50 Ask the audience Phone a friend
P HONE A FRIEND Hello?... oh yeah I think the answer’s C… Bye. A) The Amazon rainforest. B) The Gondwana rainforest C) The Ituri Rainforest D) The Wasabi rainforest
A SK THE AUDIENCE A) The Amazon rainforest. B) The Gondwana rainforest C) The Ituri Rainforest D) The Wasabi rainforest
50/50 A) The Amazon rainforest. B) The Gondwana rainforest C) The Ituri Rainforest D) The Wasabi rainforest
W HAT IS THE O KAPI ’ S SCIENTIFIC NAME ? A) Okapia Johnstoni B) Okapis Baloney C) Okar Sattani D) Okapia Johnston 50/50 Ask the audience Phone a friend
P HONE A FRIEND Hello?... oh yeah I think the answer’s A… Bye. A) Okapia Johnstoni B) Okapis Baloney C) Okar Sattani D) Okapia Johnston
50/50 A) Okapia Johnstoni B) Okapis Baloney C) Okar Sattani D) Okapia Johnston
C LICK ON A PICTURE OF ANOTHER ANIMAL IN THE G IRAFFIDAE FAMILY A) C) B) D) 50/50 Ask the Audience Phone a friend Okapi
50/50 A) C) B) D) Okapi A)Zebra B)Pony C)Camel D)Giraffe
A SK THE AUDIENCE A)Zebra B)Pony C)Camel D)Giraffe
P HONE A FRIEND Hello?... oh yeah I think the answer’s A… Bye. A)Zebra B)Pony C)Camel D)Giraffe
W HAT YEAR WAS THE O KAPI DISCOVERED ? A) 1900 B) 1901 C) 1858 D) /50 Ask the audience Phone a friend
50/50 A) 1900 B) 1901 C) 1858 D) 1927
P HONE A FRIEND Hello?... oh yeah I think the answer’s A or B … Bye. A) 1900 B) 1901 C) 1858 D) 1927
A SK THE AUDIENCE A) 1900 B) 1901 C) 1858 D) 1927
I S THE FOOD THAT THE OKAPI EAT POISONOUS TO HUMANS ? A) None of it B) All of it C) most of it D) Hmm… a bit 50/50 Ask the audience Phone a friend
50/50 A) none of it B) All of it C) most of it D) Hmm… a bit
A SK THE AUDIENCE A) None of it B) All of it C) most of it D) Hmm… a bit
P HONE A FRIEND Hello?... oh yeah I think the answer’s C or D … Bye. A) None of it B) All of it C) most of it D) Hmm… a bit
Y OU FINISHED THE QUIZ !!! End slide show