24-26 de febrero de 2009Panamá/Encuentro regional en RHCS-UNFPA
24-26 de febrero de 2009Panamá/Encuentro regional en RHCS-UNFPA John P Skibiak, Director Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition Brussels, Belgium Maximizing what the Supplies Coalition can offer
24-26 de febrero de 2009Panamá/Encuentro regional en RHCS-UNFPA … why the Coalition, practically? Coalition has existing infrastructure to support meetings and other exchange mechanisms, including Spanish language capability and infrastructure (Secretariat staff, web site, list serve, discussion group) – and the core resources needed to do so. Has large and broad existing membership, including many/most of those organizations currently attending this Taller (UNFPA, USAID, Ipas, Female Heath Company, WomenCare Global, IPPF (WH and MAs). Already, there is much overlap in areas of interest
24-26 de febrero de 2009Panamá/Encuentro regional en RHCS-UNFPA … common interests BrechasCurrent Coalition Activities Brecha de Capacitacion Professionalization of Logisticians (SSWG); Training Inventory (SSWG) Reglamento de registracionQuality control (Prequalification) (SSWG/MDA WG) Segmentacion del mercadoHonduras, Madagascar studies (MDA) Mobilizacion de recursos AccessRH (adquisicion consolidada), PGH (SSWG), Advocacy toolkit, Country supply-gap tool (RMA WG) Productos (AE, CF, misoprostol, MVA)Caucus on Underutilzed Technologies) No perder los logrosSID, Istanbul+10 PPPsPresence of commercial sector (MDA WG)
24-26 de febrero de 2009Panamá/Encuentro regional en RHCS-UNFPA … why the Coalition, strategically? Allows partners from LAC to overcome the “stigma” of graduation (tyranny of averages) by focusing attention on the issues of concern to the region, not the region itself – region becomes a vehicle to facilitate dialogue (Spanish language, organization at regional level, etc). Ensure that Latin America remains on the global radar screen (Out of sight, can lead to out of mind) Provides opportunities to bring RHCS issues in the region to global donors/agencies with less regional presence (DfID, Gates). Provides opportunities to inform the content of the global dialogue.
24-26 de febrero de 2009Panamá/Encuentro regional en RHCS-UNFPA Systems Strengthening Resource Mobilization & Awareness Creation Market Development Approaches WORKING GROUPS … what kind of linkage?
24-26 de febrero de 2009Panamá/Encuentro regional en RHCS-UNFPA Systems Strengthening Resource Mobilization & Awareness Creation Market Development Approaches PRINCIPLES Status of Women Broad Method Choice Gender Equity Country Ownership Access Equity WORKING GROUPS … what kind of linkage?
24-26 de febrero de 2009Panamá/Encuentro regional en RHCS-UNFPA Systems Strengthening Resource Mobilization & Awareness Creation Market Development Approaches PRINCIPLES Status of Women Broad Method Choice Caucus on New/Underutilized Technologies Gender Equity Country Ownership Access Equity WORKING GROUPS … what kind of linkage?
24-26 de febrero de 2009Panamá/Encuentro regional en RHCS-UNFPA
24-26 de febrero de 2009Panamá/Encuentro regional en RHCS-UNFPA Systems Strengthening Resource Mobilization & Awareness Creation Market Development Approaches PRINCIPLES Status of Women Broad Method Choice Caucus on New/Underutilized Technologies Gender Equity Country Ownership Access Equity WORKING GROUPS … what kind of linkage? Shape WG workstreams Innovation Fund Inform Coalition policy
24-26 de febrero de 2009Panamá/Encuentro regional en RHCS-UNFPA Systems Strengthening Resource Mobilization & Awareness Creation Market Development Approaches PRINCIPLES Status of Women Broad Method Choice Caucus on New/Underutilized Technologies Gender Equity Country Ownership Language/Regional Forums Access Equity WORKING GROUPS … what kind of linkage? Shape WG workstreams Innovation Fund Inform Coalition policy
24-26 de febrero de 2009Panamá/Encuentro regional en RHCS-UNFPA Fortalecimiento de los Sistemas Sensibilización & Movilización de Recursos Enfoques para desarrollar el Mercado PRINCIPIOS Estatus de la mujer Amplia gama de métodos Foro sobre Tecnologías Nuevas e Infrautilizadas Equidad de Género Apropiación nacional Foros Regionales/Lingüísticos Equidad de acceso GRUPOS DE TRABAJO (GT) … qué tipo de vinculación? Influenciar las líneas de trabajo de sus GT Acceso al Fondo para la Innovación Informar las políticas de la Coalición
24-26 de febrero de 2009Panamá/Encuentro regional en RHCS-UNFPA … responsibilities LAC partners: Identify responsible lead (even if only short-term) Establish concrete follow-on steps (meetings, key decision points) Develop internal systems, structures, WG linkages, name... Identify priorities based on a clear, unambiguous sense of the added- value that partnership brings Formalize Coalition membership (where relevant) The Secretariat: Provide translations of summaries of WG meeting minutes Secretariat-type support, logistics, etc. Newsletter, website in Spanish (including key resources) Access to member database and creation of listserves Support Spanish language advisory group Others?