EPPE’s Research activities related to CLIVAR interests Seminario CLIVAR-España Madrid 14th -15th February 2005.


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Presentation transcript:

EPPE’s Research activities related to CLIVAR interests Seminario CLIVAR-España Madrid 14th -15th February 2005

EPPE and its R&D Area  Ente Público Puertos del Estado (EPPE) is a Public Institution that deals with the administration of the Spanish harbour network  EPPE provides technologic support to the Spanish Harbours through its R&D section: Área de Análisis de Medio Físico  Some of the Medio Físico activities are related to some of the main CLIVAR Research interests

Main activities  Operative offshore and coastal measurement networks  Numerical modelling:  Forecast systems  Downscaling  Long-term (climate) hindcast  Environmental (ocean & atmosphere) database  Civil Engineering: Infrastructure Technology

 Deep water Buoy Network  Directional waves, met, currents, T&S EPPE Measuring Networks  Deep water Buoy Network  Directional waves, met, currents, T&S  Coastal Buoy Network  Waves and SST  Deep water Buoy Network  Directional waves, met, currents, T&S  Coastal Buoy Network  Waves and SST  Tide Gauge Network  Deep water Buoy Network  Directional waves, met, currents, T&S  Coastal Buoy Network  Waves and SST  Tide Gauge Network  Current meter Network  Current d ir & velocity. T&S  Deep water Buoy Network  Directional waves, met, currents, T&S  Coastal Buoy Network  Waves and SST  Tide Gauge Network  Current meter Network  Current d ir & velocity. T&S  Coastal Met. Network  P,T,Wind,q,Pre,irradiancia

EPPE Measuring Networks EPPE data transmission scheme in real-time

EPPE Measuring Networks El Tsunami del 21/05/2003 en la REDMAR

Wave forecast System  WAM model (INM Met input: HIRLAM)  Forecast Horizon: +48h   Real-time verification

Sea level Forecast system  HAMSOM model (INM Met input: HIRLAM)  Forecast Horizon: +48h  Real-time tide-gauge data assimilation  Real-time verification

Downscaling techniques  SAPO Systems provides local wave prediction at some Harbours  SWAM model  Resolution 500m  Inputs  EPPE Wave forecast  EPPE Sea level forecast  INM HIRLAM winds  Real-time verification

Downscaling techniques  SAPO Systems are coupled to agitation models within harbours.  Operative SAPO: Gijon, Ferrol, Cartagena & Barcelona  SAPO in development: Valencia  Projected SAPO: Coruña, Cadiz, Almeria

EPPE Database  Environmental Data from EPPE measuring network  Analysis from the forecast systems  Data from oceanographic campaigns  Other data sources: Visual data from ships

EPPE Database n Series de datos n Histogramas n Tablas altura-periodo n Alturas máximas n Rosas de oleaje n Tablas direccionales n Regímenes medio y extremales

EPPE Research Projects EPPE contribution to research projects related to CLIVAR interests: u WASA u HIPOCAS u Long-term Atlantic Wave Hindcast u ENVIWAVE u Agreement with UIB and UM to analyze sea level climate

HIPOCAS Project  Main objective: Execution of 44-year atmospheric and oceanographic homogeneous hindcasts for the European Basins  EPPE contribution: Mediterranean Basin  Final EPPE Product: Homogeneous long-term environmental database for the Med.  Data suitable for regional climate studies

Long-term Atlantic Wave hindcast  Main objective: Performing of a 44- year homogeneous wave hindcast (wind forcing from HIPOCAS and NCEP data)

ENVIVAVE Project  Main Objective: Integrate the ENVISAT measurments in oceanographic schemes  EPPE specific objectives:  Development of a remote sensing data assimilation scheme for the wave forecast system  Buoy data assimilation in the local SAPO systems  Wave climate Atlas (complementing the HIPOCAS one)

Agreement with UIB and UM to analyse sea level climate  Main objective: Sea-level climate analysis  Data sources: Measurements & HIPOCAS data  Observation Quality control  Trends and extreme analysis  Climate variability (inter-annnual, seasonal,...)  Relationship with atmospheric & oceanic agents