identify general capabilities and cross- cultural priorities locate information about the general capabilities and cross-cultural priorities understand how to plan with general capabilities and cross-curriculum priorities
What do you KNOW ? What do you WANT to know ? What have you LEARNED ?
KWL: General Capabilities and Cross-Curriculum Priorities Know K Want to know W Learned L
When students exit school, what core competencies would we hope they have in relation to learning and being with others?
Essential tools for learning ◦ Literacy ◦ Numeracy ◦ ICT competence ◦ Critical and Creative Thinking Learning to live with others ◦ Ethical behaviour ◦ Personal and Social Competence ◦ Intercultural Understanding KnowledgeSkillsBehavioursDispositions
Literacy Numeracy ICT Competence Critical and Creative Thinking
Introduction Scope of the capability Capability across the curriculum Background Learning continuum -and-social-capability/Introduction/Introduction
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability Why are these priorities important for Australian young people?
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Culture Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability ?
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures
KWL: General Capabilities and Cross-Curriculum Priorities Know K Want to know W Learned L