Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union July – December 2014
Three main institutions European Parliament - the voice of the people Council of Ministers (European Council and Council of the EU) - the voice of the Member States European Commission - Common interests 2
Institutions of the EU 3
Tasks of the Presidency: to plan and chair the meetings in the Council of the EU; to ensure the cooperation among Member States in order to reach common results; to represent the Council with the other EU institutions. 4
Trio Presidency The Lisbon Treaty institutionalized the so-called Trio Presidency, under which three successive Presidencies work together to develop an 18 month political program. This ensures a high level of consistency and coordination in the work of the EU. Italy is part of the Trio Presidency with Latvia and Luxembourg, spanning the period from July December
Priorities of the Trio Presidency Economic growth and job creation; Europe 2020; Single Market, including Digital Single Market; Progress in the EMU; Climate and energy policy framework 2030; Implementation of the post-Stockholm Program, JHA; 6
Open and fair trade and strategic partnerships with the U.S., Canada and Japan; EU Neighborhood policy; Enlargement policy; Post-2015 Development agenda; The global role of the EU, inter alia, foreign affairs and review of EEAS in Priorities of the Trio Presidency
Council Configurations chaired by the Rotating Presidency General affairs Economic and financial affairs (including budget) Justice and home affairs (including civil protection) Employment, social policy, health and consumer affairs Competitiveness (internal market, industry, research and space)
Transport, telecommunications and energy Agriculture and fisheries Environment Education, youth, culture and sport (including audiovisual matters) Council Configurations chaired by the Rotating Presidency
Other Formations which the Rotating Presidency is NOT chairing European Council Foreign Affairs Council (chaired by the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy) Eurogroup
New Europe after the EP Elections European Parliament (July 1 st ) European Commission (November 1 st ) President of the European Council (December 1 st ) High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (November 1 st ) 11
The Main Priorities of the Presidency: 1.A job friendly Europe and economic growth 2.EU an area of democracy, rights and freedom 3.Global role of the EU 12
1. A Job-Friendly Europe and Economic Growth Job and Growth at the heart of EU economic policy; Full implementation of the Youth Employment Initiative; Re-launch the Europe 2020 Strategy; Deepening and strengthening the EMU;
Fostering competitiveness in the EU; Realize the Single Digital Market; Industrial Renaissance; Common EU Position on Climate and energy A Job-Friendly Europe and Economic Growth
2. EU - an Area of Democracy, Rights and Freedom Well-functioning and effective European institutions; Common European Asylum and Migration Policy; External border management;; Deepening judicial cooperation. Establishing the European Public Prosecutor’s Office; Fundamental human rights protection, inter alia, the principle of non-discrimination and equal treatment of men and women.
3. Global Role of the EU External dimension of migration policy; Progress in the enlargement process to promote peace, democracy and security in Europe; Address regional challenges, focus on the Mediterranean region, transition process in North Africa, Middle East, Libya, Syria and Ukraine;
Reinforce strategic partnerships and trade and investment negotiations, inter alia, with the U.S. and Canada; Promotion of the macro-regional strategies (Adoption for the Adriatic and Ionian Region and Action Plan for the Alpine Region); 3. Global Role of the EU
Presidency Major Events: 18 Informal Ministerial meetings; “Digital Venice” event, 8-9 July 2014; ASEM Summit on October 2014 in Milan; Conference on Beijing Platform for Action on October 2014 in Rome; Euro-African Ministerial Conference on Migration and Development within the Rabat process on November 2014 in Rome; Youth Employment Summit;
The Presidency events will take place mostly in Milan and Rome. Webpage of the Italian Presidency:
20 Milan will host the EXPO 2015 (May – October 2015)