SiS Consultation ERRIN SiS Working Group Meeting 2.09.2014.


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Presentation transcript:

SiS Consultation ERRIN SiS Working Group Meeting

Projects funded via the Workprograms of 'Science with and for Society' (SWAFS): Projects that discuss SWAF topics and refine the understanding of the evolution of science and society. Provide a sound knowledge base for SWAF topics and issues (as there are gender, ethics, engagement, open access) Networks - network local, regional and national activities and programs Establish Toolkits after discussing the various standpoints and practices Support institutional changes in research and science institutions for embedding RRI  1. What should be the main priorities needed to shape the next "Horizon 2020" Work Programme to build an effective cooperation between science and society?

1. What should be the main priorities needed to shape the next "Horizon 2020" Work Programme to build an effective cooperation between science and society? RRI (Responsible Research and Innovation) = projects funded in other parts of Horizon 2020:  Projects in all fields of research and innovation that should work and apply SiS topics on a place based approach (gender, ethics, engagement, open access); Examples: Biotechnology, Engineering, Medical research

1. What should be the main priorities needed to shape the next "Horizon 2020" Work Programme to build an effective cooperation between science and society? There are always/at least two RRI aspects of any project:  Context of the project: working structure/working environment/embedment of the project  The research object itself. Which aspects of the research topic should also be seen from ethical, gender… point of view?

1. What should be the main priorities needed to shape the next "Horizon 2020" Work Programme to build an effective cooperation between science and society? All HORIZON 2020 should:  Be open and add a broader view of the innovation environment and substantial interactions with citizens  Pose the right RRI diagnosis in their own fields;  Integrate RRI in all their activities;  Promote targeted institutional changes to embed RRI

1. What should be the main priorities needed to shape the next "Horizon 2020" Work Programme to build an effective cooperation between science and society? Shaping HORIZON 2020 makes it important to see SWAFS and research projects with their RRI aspects as interacting elements. RRI (Responsible Research and Innovation) should apply SiS findings, structures and whereas experience and upcoming new SWAFS questions from RRI should be fed back to SWAFS structures (in COM???) in order make it a living circle that adapts and reflects social needs and developments.

1. What should be the main priorities needed to shape the next "Horizon 2020" Work Programme to build an effective cooperation between science and society?

In order to build up a constructive interaction, closing the cycle, we need:  Engagement  Sustainability – projects should pick up what was achieved in previous projects and /or refer to it  Creating added value  Education and carriers –people are important means for transfer and new thinking

2. Which are the main barriers preventing effective cooperation between science and society? More permanent structures and funding are needed e.g. funding for Annual Conferences and networks (type WIRE or PLACES) Regional (and national) strategies Europe-wide need to be involved/to get more involved regions/cities have to play a role, have to be made play their role, strengthening the concept of Science Cities/Cities of scientific culture (see PLACES Declaration) Profile of SiS needs to be improved in order to make it more attractive for politicians and policy makers who tend to address SIS purposes usually on a case by case basis; so far politics has no vision, no general concept like permanent structures and action plans.

3. Which topics could be supported by the next "Horizon 2020" Work Programme with regard to "Science with and for Society"? Societies are changing and very different in terms of their culture and values. SiS topics therefore need to be addressed and revisited on a regular basis in order to decide on means and revise the means needed.

3. Which topics could be supported by the next "Horizon 2020" Work Programme with regard to "Science with and for Society"? Ongoing topics (to be reinforced)  RRI and gender; address woman in different environment like Space  Analysis of scientific advice and best structure for scientific advice….  Regional Approaches S3 and science communication  Urban agendas, Smart Cities and communication  …..

3. Which topics could be supported by the next "Horizon 2020" Work Programme with regard to "Science with and for Society"? New topics  Religion  Foresight activities/studies  Cultural heritage/Cultural Identities and its dimensions  Demographic change (social, ethical, political..) and its implications (migration…)  In particular: Develop a Society Readiness Level (SRL) Scheme. The scheme should then be addressed in RRI projects) reflecting all elements of societal interaction with scientific developments. It should help to make RRI as living marker of research projects.

4. What would you like to see as outcomes from the projects funded through the "Science with and for Society" calls for proposals ?  Critical mass  Major steps forward  Sustainability/Concrete actions follow up, permanent action/SWAFS profile in urban agenda/move results like PLACES Declaration further  Legacy/Make use of results and build structures for the future

5. How do you see international cooperation (beyond EU borders) being addressed in "Science with and for Society"? Need for IC? 28 countries plus are enough? Conflict zones, religion, migration, poverty, food supply, forms of democracy and political systems in comparison…. Provide a different view an SWAFS (comparing values and culture, ethics) Maybe not a priority ?

6. In which priorities of "Horizon 2020" and how should science and society issues be integrated (e.g. in Excellent Science, in Industrial Leadership, in Societal Challenges)? SWAFS Topics should be included wherever possible in all HORIZON 2020 calls. Projects should say why they do not address SWAF topics. In case they address the topic there should be a place/institution /COM? to which they could give feed back They should describe the Society Readiness Level (analogue to Technology readiness level) and say what would be needed for their topic/the field to climb up the next step. To this end projects should describe SRL roadmaps.

7. Do you have further comments? ………..