Community Transformation Plan
Community Vital Signs is a community-driven health initiative jointly developed by San Bernardino County residents, organizations and government. It builds upon the Countywide Vision by setting goals and priorities for action to improve community health in San Bernardino County. It helps agencies work together to support the community in making healthy choices. Community Vital Signs
Community Vital Signs Framework Involves a broad set of organizations and people committed to improving health and wellness Uses data to help make decisions and set priorities Focuses on making changes across the community 3
4 Gathered and analyzed data on 34 health indicators Completed the Data Report & Summit Hosted community engagement meetings and prioritized health indicators Completed Final Data Report Seven Priority Areas Identified: Education, Economy, Access to Health Care, Mental Health, Nutrition/Health Food, Community Safety, Safety at School Community Vital Signs Activities
Community Engagement Priority Areas Indicator(s) Education (overall, educational attainment, high school graduation) Economy (overall, poverty, unemployment, economic development) Access to Health Care (overall, insurance, professionals, physicians, delays in care) Mental Health Nutrition/Access to Healthy Food Community Safety (overall, crime) Safety at School Area Prioritization Ranking: Top Areas with the Greatest Number of Votes 5
© Applied Survey Research, Community Transformation Plan
7 The Community Transformation Plan will ultimately help improve the health of San Bernardino County by: Addressing important issues in the County Identifying goals, objectives and strategies to improve health outcomes for County Residents Bringing together organizations to work together to achieve common goals Engaging residents to take an active role in improving the health and well-being of their communities
Community Transformation Plan Priority Areas Priority Areas Education (overall, educational attainment, high school graduation) Economy (overall, poverty, unemployment, economic development) Access to Health and Wellness (including medical home, mental health, nutrition and physical activity) Safety (including community and school safety) The Community Transformation Plan was further refined to focus on four priority areas: 8
© Applied Survey Research, Community Feedback
10 Purpose and Goals Help transform your community to be a healthier place to live, work, learn and play. Share your ideas for improving health in your neighborhood. Provide feedback on the Community Transformation Plan.
11 What will you do today? Walk around to each poster and review the information presented. One of our volunteers will be there to help answer any questions you may have. Vote for your top two or three goals on each poster by putting tickets into the box corresponding to each goal
12 What will you do today? Once you have had a chance to look at all of the posters, write down any information you feel is missing from the plans on a sticky note. Place the sticky note on the large butcher paper under the correct priority area.
© Applied Survey Research, Group Activity
14 Group Activity After taking time to review the information on each poster, you will sit in small groups and discuss your thoughts about each poster. Each person will have a “placemat” to use to write down ideas.
15 Group Activity At the end of the activity, we will be asking for a few volunteers to report back information from their group discussion. What are some of the key points your group discussed?
What is next?
17 Next Steps All of your feedback will be compiled and will help improve the plan. If you are interested in helping the plan move forward by talking about strategies and action steps, write your name down on the “Action Planners” sign-up sheet and we will be sure to contact you. Find more information at
18 Next Steps Provide additional feedback by contacting: Courtney Huff San Bernardino County Department of Public Health: