Andrew Roberts Senior Defense Intelligence Analyst for Open Source Strategies, PDD/II 24 JUNE 2014 This briefing is classified UNCLASSIFIED (U) Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) & Innovation in the Intelligence Community UNCLASSIFIED
2 (U) The Emerging Security Environment (U) Governments no longer have decisive information edge UNCLASSIFIED (U) Pace and nature of security events increasingly difficult to assess Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images AFP PHOTO / ALEXANDER KHUDOTEPLY
3 (U) The Emerging Security Environment UNCLASSIFIED (U) Potential adversaries, terrorists and international criminals taking full advantage of globalization benefits (U) Insufficient surveillance and inadequate access to trouble spots a growing concern (U) Information environment is shades of gray Difficult to discern friendly, neutral, and adversary Photo from Insight Crime Cartel narco submarine & design
4 (U) Information Technologies & the Internet (U) Rapid advances in communications, transportation, and information set the stage UNCLASSIFIED Storage Storage & Interface Storage, Interface & Analysis 70s – 80s 80s – 90s 90s – 00s Ingest, Storage, Interface, Analysis, & Share 00s – 10s Information
5 (U) Information Technologies & the Internet UNCLASSIFIED (U) The internet and IT tools revolutionizing open source intelligence Access Content Flow Quality Automation (U) The Internet in 60 Seconds s sent nearly 600 websites created 50-75K+ social networking posts hrs of video uploaded Nearly 300K social networking microblogs/texts
6 (U) Priorities, Focus, & Collaboration UNCLASSIFIED (U) Innovation is vital to harnessing the deluge of information and taking advantage of new technologies (U) Goal: Weather the data storm and keep DIA on the right course
7 (U) Priorities, Focus, & Collaboration UNCLASSIFIED (U) Public and private partnerships critical to focusing intelligence efforts Increase capacity of analysis & efficiency of OSINT Enable force multipliers Take advantage of other “boots on the ground” (U) Always vigilant on security & mindful of authorities
8 (U) Priorities, Focus, & Collaboration UNCLASSIFIED (U) IARPA Open Source Indicators (OSI) Program Promoting information discovery Managing information inundation (U) The OSI Program aims to develop methods for continuous, automated analysis of publicly available data Anticipating and/or detecting significant events Fusing early warning indicators of events from multiple publicly available data sources