Continuous Improvement and Planning Team (CIPT) October 24, 2011 Faith Hensrud, CIPT Chair and Interim Provost
Liz Blue (Faculty/Planning and Budgetary Council-PBC) Emily Borra (Student Senate Chair) LeAnn Brown (Institutional Research) Vicki Hajewski (Vice Chancellor for Campus Life) Jan Hanson (Vice Chancellor for Admin & Finance) Jeff Kahler, Budget Analyst (Classified Staff) Ryan Kreuser (Chair, Academic Staff Senate) Jim Lane (Faculty) Jacob Lindberg (Student) Peter Nordgren (Distance Learning, Associate Dean) Ray Reinertsen (Academic Staff) Steve Rosenberg (Faculty Chair) Mary Schoeler (Technology Services) Joel Sipress (Faculty)
Purpose of today’s forum Recent budget developments Integrated planning timeline Budget reduction principles/investment priorities Proposed planning priorities for Campus feedback/discussion on proposed planning priorities Proposed budget lapse discussion with State Legislators
Provide a brief overview of integrated planning and present the planning priorities for campus feedback. Describe recent budget developments
Proposed Budget Lapse Impact on UW-Superior: Proposed lapse is between $1.0 and $1.6 million over 2 years ◦ : $700,290 or $1.13 million ◦ : $298,176or $581,240 Considering options: Will use budget reduction principles developed by CIPT
Feb 15: Department strategic plans submitted May-July: CIPT Planning Retreat: Purpose to review and update institutional priorities July-Aug: Chancellor’s Cabinet and Provost’s Leadership Team retreat: Reviews priorities and institutional needs Sept 15: Department annual reports submitted Oct. 24, 2011: Campus Open Forum for 2011 ◦ Campus updated on budget and priorities; campus input Nov-Dec: CIPT takes input and develops recommendations for the Executive budget group Dec-Jan: Executive budget group makes recommendations to the Chancellor Jan-March: Chancellor’s decisions are implemented in budget planning for the next fiscal year and biennium
Developed in 2009 Reviewed and endorsed by CIPT in 2010 Used in all budget reduction decisions
Student Experience: Core Marketing and Recruiting Institutional Support
Liberal Arts and high impact practices Align academic offerings and resources Academic Excellence Making Excellence Inclusive Faculty and staff compensation and flexible work schedules Culture of Respect Strategic Technology Plan Continuous Improvement Growth Strategies for Distance Learning Resource Management Support and resources for faculty advising model Strategic Enrollment Management Plan Enrollment Management
Two Questions: 1. What thoughts do you have regarding the eight planning priorities proposed by the CIPT for ? 2. What additional priorities should UW-Superior consider in our planning process? Send additional feedback via by Nov. 1st:
CIPT takes input on planning priorities for Chancellor’s Cabinet in consultation with Governance considers options to deal with budget lapse
State Senator Bob Jauch State Representative Nick Milroy