AFCEC Execution & AFIMSC Future Mr. Joe Sciabica AFCEC Director 7 Oct 2014
FY14 Year of Execution AFIMSC Way Forward
FY14 Execution $2.4 billion total program execution $400 million more than in FY13 $380 million spent 11 Sep to EOY Summary of Major Programs $895 million for 611 FSRM projects Dover AFB and Minot AFB runways HQ CENTCOM and HQ PACAF $879 million for 39 MILCON projects $78 million to MAJCOMS for emerging needs $386 million Environmental Restoration program $183 million for 131 BRAC projects
FY14 Execution O&M comprised 83% of budget $269 million for Env Quality $112 million for Energy $82 million for Civilian Pay $66 million for Readiness $34 million for Operations $9.5 million for Installations $202 million for non-AF customers; DLA design, FSRM and other programs
IPL Program Rolled out first 2-year Integrated Priorities List in Aug In FY15/16, every requirement competes on own merit in unified, standard & simplified risk-based model Model is based on: Risk to Mission/Force; Alignment to Air Force Priorities; and Cost Savings Key to Victory for Construction Tasking Order Sustainable, Well-Communicated Process Early Visibility of IPL (next FY sked to be out 15 Apr) Reduced Risk Communication and Collaboration The Centralized Portfolio was created, but… Only the money was centralized … not the CE-CONS-FM relationships at bases Contract awards are lagging because no process in place to lay out expectations Lack of consistency resulting in inefficient planning and execution of program No efficiency because of poor coordination between stakeholders at strategic lvl Early Visibility of IPL Plan & posture resources based on know requirements & targeted award dates Time for base and private sector to plan and execute successful acquisition process Reduced Risk All CTO projects awarded…reduce wasted resources in proposal prep, site visits, etc Spread awards and construction throughout the year, limit huge end-of-FY programs and construction starts in late fall and winter Well-defined requirements--reduce reliance on design-build…emphasize design-bid-build Communication and Collaboration Early communication and collaboration between Air Force and industry partners Consistent and repeatable process to manage portfolio across fiscal years
IPL Program Risk to Mission/Force Alignment to Air Force Priorities Probability of Failure = Condition Consequence of Failure = Facility/Infrastructure’s Mission Commander’s Priority Alignment to Air Force Priorities MAJCOM Cmdr assessment Air Force Senior Leadership (Pentagon) ensures strategic alignment with top AF priorities notional requirements distribution Consequence of Failure Cost Savings Special prioritization given to requirements with cost avoidance and rapid return on investment (consolidation, energy conservation, reduced maintenance) Probability of Failure
Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center
AFIMSC Stood up Provisional AFIMSC in Aug MG “TC” Carter, commander Operating at Joint Base Andrews Team of 65 drafting PAD/CONOPS Orgs realigned 1 Oct to AFMC/AFIMSC(P) Air Force Civil Engineer Center Air Force Financial Services Center Air Force Installation Contracting Agency Air Force Security Forces Center Financial Mgmnt Center of Expertise (AFCAA) Services Directorate (AFPC) AFCAA = Air Force Cost Analysis Agency
AFIMSC Strategic Context: Centralization of management support to maximum extent possible improves Air Force efficiency and effectiveness in providing installation and expeditionary combat support capabilities to wing commanders and mission partners AFCAA = Air Force Cost Analysis Agency
AFIMSC Support functions currently spread across MAJCOM staffs will be centralized at AFIMSC, allowing delivery of standardized levels of service across the Air Force Centralizing under Air Force Materiel Command reduces overhead by combining installation functions currently performed by MAJCOMs It makes good business sense for AF to centralize installation support the way it already centralizes other functions like science and technology, test, and sustainment AFCAA = Air Force Cost Analysis Agency
AFIMSC Installation support capabilities: Base Communications Civil Engineering Installation Ministry Programs Logistics Readiness Operational Contracting Security Forces Services AFCAA = Air Force Cost Analysis Agency
AFIMSC 10 Candidate HQ Locations Barksdale AFB, LA Ellsworth AFB, SD Hurlburt Field, FL Joint Base Andrews, MD Joint Base Langley, VA Joint Base San Antonio, TX Peterson AFB, CO Scott AFB, IL Tyndall AFB, FL Wright-Patterson AFB, OH KEY CRITERIA: Studying locations of current MAJCOMS and locations with 50 or more assigned to FOA that’s joining AFIMSC