SSVF Program Launch: Establishing Services in Compliance with Goals and Regulations Practice Area 1: Outreach, Engagement and Admission
Core Concepts ~Housing First~ ~Crisis Response~ ~Choice~ 2
From Crisis to…Housing 3
Targeting: Current Housing Status & VA Priorities “Literally Homeless”= shelter, street Imminently at-risk of literal homelessness Precariously housed Stably housed 4 SSVF Rapid Re-Housing SSVF Homelessness Prevention
VA Requirements Eligible program participants are: 1.A member of a Veteran family; and 2.Very low-income (at or below 50% of Area Median Income); and 3.Occupying Permanent Housing (Categories 1-3). Case files must include verification of eligibility SSVF Grantees must offer Outreach Services 5
“Occupying Permanent Housing” Homelessness prevention: eligible Veteran families who are imminently at-risk of becoming literally homeless but for SSVF assistance = Category 1: Is residing in permanent housing Rapid re-housing: eligible Veteran families who are literally homeless and may remain literally homeless but for SSVF assistance = Category 2: Is homeless and scheduled to become a resident of permanent housing within 90 days pending the location or development of housing suitable for permanent housing; or = Category 3: Has exited permanent housing within the previous 90 days to seek other housing that is responsive to the very low-income Veteran family’s needs and preferences. 6
Targeting: Key Considerations VA (& Other Funder) Requirements Sets parameters Continuum of Care (CoC) Consult to determine CoC gaps/priorities, SSVF role and target population Other SSVF Providers Consult to determine if serving same or different target population Agency Mission Account for Board, organizational priorities 7
Eligibility & Prioritization: Key Considerations Eligibility –Add requirements to reflect target population –Challenge: accurately assess/identify Veterans who BUT FOR SSVF will become (HP) or remain (RRH) literally homeless Prioritization –Overall VA priority: rapid re-housing for Veterans who are literally homeless –Homelessness prevention Set, monitor, revise threshold score –Allows program to target assistance to eligible applicants when number of eligible applicants exceeds program capacity/resources Avoid eligibility and prioritization criteria and processes that attempt to predict success or failure 8
Outreach & Engagement: Key Considerations Establish and implement an Outreach Plan –Base upon the most effective, efficient methods of finding and engaging with your defined target population –Coordinate with… VA, VA funded programs, Veterans Service Organizations CoC, CoC’s coordinated/centralized assessment system, and all other homeless assistance providers Other SSVF grantees Community and/or other information/referral services Other emergency assistance, cash assistance, basic needs resources Parks, public facilities, 24/7 establishments, etc. Be creative and persistent 9
Screening & Program Admission: Key Considerations Ensure qualified, competent staff Process efficiency and urgency Who decides? –May benefit from team and/or supervisor review and approval What happens to persons not admitted? –Relevant, alternative assistance sources –Efficient processes that support crisis resolution, even if not through SSVF 10