Board of Governors January 27, 2014 Update on Enhanced Planning
Planning for the Future Long term enhanced planning to align resource with priorities: 1.Need to ensure we maintain the quality of our programs and services in a financially constrained environment Tension between the number of programs and the resources needed to ensure quality Cannot be all things to all people Need to improve transparency 2.Need to address across the board cuts versus differential cuts 2
What are other Universities doing? Many Universities facing the same challenge Different approaches being used including: Dickeson approach/model for program prioritization Program Ranking / Placing all programs in quintiles Used by Guelph, Regina, York, Saskatchewan and others New budget models Responsibility Centre Management, activity based budget Both! What is the right approach for UVic for aligning resources with priorities allocation? 3
Dickeson Approach - Lessons Learned by Others As articulated by others: Does not work for short term budget cuts Extensive effort required High institutional anxiety High costs and many institutions unable to or make little change afterwards Can work in the long run for aligning resources with priorities and enhancing quality programs Devolves recommendation on resources to a committee instead of institutional leadership 4
Utilizing UVic Planning Processes We will NOT undertake a Dickeson prioritization process We will use our existing planning processes to align resources to priorities We will ensure these processes are transparent and rigorous 5
UVic Enhanced Planning Planning goal: Strategic Plan priorities with a focus as informed by the President’s consultation process To develop tools that will be used to better align resources to priorities The planning process will be: Based on existing planning processes Stepwise, transparent, evidence based Consistently applied across all programs and administrative services 6
Enhanced Planning Process – Phase 1 Tools and Information: December 2013 – Fall 2014 Create a set of standardized criteria and data against which to assess quality, cost and contribution of programs and activities, to be updated periodically and made sufficiently robust to enable differentiated budget allocations by university decision makers at all levels. 7
Enhanced Planning Process – Phase 1 Working Group, along with an Advisory Committee will develop and recommend to Integrated Planning a set of criteria that can be measured and reported; recommend a process for identifying, gathering, reporting and comparing the information; recommend the appropriate unit levels for the criteria (e.g. Faculty, department, program, service unit or service, etc.); Develop a planning timeline; develop a consultation and communication plan; oversee the gathering of the information and report out as per the communication plan.
Working group AVP Academic Planning – Chair (Katy Mateer) 2 Deans AVP Research AVP Student Affairs AVP Financial Planning and Operations Chief Information Officer Director Institutional Planning and Analysis Director UVIC Communications Office of the VPFO (resource)
Advisory Group Vice Chair of the Senate (Mary Ellen Purkis) Senate Committee on Academic Planning (3) Senate committee on academic planning – student representative (1) Senate Committee on University Budget – Student Representative (1) Senate Committee on University Budget Representatives (3) Staff Representative Senate Support Representative Liaison and Chair, Enhanced Working Group
Phase 2: Making Choices Fall Spring 2015 The Planning Process at the Faculty and the Unit level – will use the information and data gathered by the Working Group to make choices within each department and then within each portfolio. We do not anticipate a changed approach in the existing planning, decision-making and accountability structures at the decanal/director/chair levels. Integrated Planning to recommend the design of a comprehensive process for decision making to the President. Once the process is considered by the Executive and approved by the President, oversight of its implementation will be the responsibility of Integrated Planning.
Planning Timelines - Preliminary Initiate process: December 2013 Development of criteria: Fall 2014 Gathering of data: Spring to Fall 2014 Use of data for planning: Commencing with planning process for 2015/16 12