Refining the Health Priorities Matrix Eimear Barrett Queen’s University Belfast
Health Priorities from Scenario Planning Exercise Infectious disease Infectious disease Maternal Health Maternal Health Food Security Food Security HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS Climate Change Climate Change Gender and Health Gender and Health
Validation of Priorities Mapping exercise Mapping exercise –Health strategies –National Health Plans –Development Assistance Strategies Expert Interviews Expert Interviews GLOBAL CONTINENTAL INTERNATIONAL NATIONAL
GlobalContinentalNational WHO - Health for All (Policy for the 21st Century for the African Region 2007) NEPAD – Health Strategy 2003 Malawi Growth and Development Strategy 2006 G8 (Africa Action Plan 2002)AMREF – Strategy Mozambique Strategic Plan for the Health Sector 2009 – 2015 World Bank (Strategy for Health, Nutrition and Population 2007) African Union – The Africa Health Strategy Tanzanian National Health Policy 2003 Mathers & Loncar 2006 (Projections of Global Mortality and Burden of Disease) Ugandan Health Sector Strategic Plan 2005/06 – 2009/10 Irish Aid (Health Policy + Country Strategy Papers for Tanzania, Uganda and Mozambique) DFID (Research Strategy 2008 – 2013) DANIDA (Development Assistance to the Health Sector 2003) Sida (Policy for Health and Development 2002)
Emerging Themes from Literature Review GlobalContinentalNational Health for all Reduction of disease burden Improving population health Reduction of poverty Gender equality Reduction of morbidity and mortality Chronic and infectious disease Health systems strengthening Capacity building Gender Health promotion and prevention Health systems reform HIV/AIDS Child and maternal health Reduction of disease burden Promotion of research Malnutrition MDGs
Projected deaths by cause and income, 2004 to 2030 HIV, TB, malaria Other infectious Mat//peri/nutritional CVD Cancers Other NCD Road traffic accidents Other unintentional Intentional injuries
Global projections for selected causes, 2004 to 2030 Updated from Mathers and Loncar, PLoS Medicine, 2006 Cancers Stroke Perinatal Road traffic accidents HIV/AIDS TB Malaria Acute respiratory infections Ischaemic HD
Emerging Themes from Literature Review GlobalContinentalNational Health for all Reduction of disease burden Improving population health Reduction of poverty Gender equality Reduction of morbidity and mortality Chronic and infectious disease Health systems strengthening Capacity building Gender Health promotion and prevention Health systems reform HIV/AIDS Child and maternal health Reduction of disease burden Promotion of research Malnutrition MDGs
Expert Interviews Individuals were members of the following organisations: Irish Aid Irish Aid Sida-Sarec Sida-Sarec NEPAD (The New Partnership for Africa’s Development) NEPAD (The New Partnership for Africa’s Development) ACOSHED (African Council for Sustainable Health Development) ACOSHED (African Council for Sustainable Health Development) Muhimbili University College of Health Sciences Muhimbili University College of Health Sciences Academy of Medical Sciences Academy of Medical Sciences
Emerging Themes from Expert Interviews Health systems Health systems Building capacity Building capacity Building research systems and making research more strategic Building research systems and making research more strategic Specific disease priorities Specific disease priorities Community engagement Community engagement
How do the IAPRCB priorities compare? IAPRCBGlobalContinentalNational Irish Aid Other Agencies Experts Infectious Disease XXXXX Maternal Health XXXXX Food Security XXX HIV/AIDSXXXXXX Climate Change X Gender & Health XXXX
Conclusions IAPRCB priorities echoed in reviewed sources IAPRCB priorities echoed in reviewed sources Other areas of importance e.g. chronic disease and malnutrition Other areas of importance e.g. chronic disease and malnutrition Specific disease priorities only small piece of the puzzle Specific disease priorities only small piece of the puzzle Paradigm shift towards systems thinking Paradigm shift towards systems thinking IAPRCB list of priorities should be expanded IAPRCB list of priorities should be expanded
Expanded List of Health Priorities 1. Infectious/Endemic disease 2. Maternal health 3. Food security 4. HIV/AIDS 5. Climate change 6. Gender and health/ gender equality 7. Action Research 8. Reproductive health 9. Health literacy/promotion 10. Health equity/reduction in disparities 11. Human resources for health 12. Health resources 13. Financial management/monitoring 14. Health systems governance 15. Health in humanitarian crises 16. Chronic diseases 17. Malnutrition 18. Health and ICT 19. Traditional medicine
Adult mortality rates by major cause group and region, 2004