Focus on Vaccines: Priorities and Responses to Cape Town Recommendations Retooling Task Force Meeting January 15, 2008
Vaccines Focus: Retooling Priorities In 2008, the Working Group on New TB Vaccines will be initiating efforts to: Evaluate some of the economic aspects of new TB vaccines Initiate development of target product profiles for new TB vaccines
Cape Town Recommendations Recommendation 2: Share information from technical working groups with programmes and partners. In the next 6 months: Rewrite, publish and disseminate new brochure on TB vaccines Request RTF to help fund printing and dissemination In the future: Develop a website on which this information will be available Pilot an e-newsletter to update the community on recent developments in TB vaccines Develop community-based materials regarding TB vaccine development and clinical trials
Cape Town Recommendations Recommendation 5: Consider the role of the business sector Initial conversations held with Private Sector Constituency Representative to Coordinating Board Private Sector Constituency Representative is a member of Economics & Product Profiles Task Force
Cape Town Recommendations Recommendation 7: Identify the human resource needs, particularly task-shifting possibilities, that will come with new tools Too early to determine. Will depend on product profile (ie, pre or post-exposure, delivery mechanism, etc). Less likely to be a major issue for new vaccines, since plan is to delivery new TB vaccines through existing and future vaccination programmes
Cape Town Recommendations Recommendation 8: Continue to share information on lessons learned from other disease control communities that are engaged in retooling The Working Group will discuss engagement with other vaccine development groups to understand their retooling experience, processes, successes and lessons learned Request from RTF: commission development of a “template procedure” for definition of product profiles based on existing experience (ie, pneumococcal conjugate vaccine)