Monumentenwacht Vlaanderen MAKSin, a recording system for conservation assessments Risk- and value-based priorty ranking in historic interiors Monumentenwacht Vlaanderen vzw Veerle Meul, advisor historic interiors Inauguration Unesco Chair on Preventive Conservation, Maintenance and Monitoring of Monuments and Sites Raymond Lemaire International Center for Conservation, University of Louvain Louvain, Belgium, March 2009
Conservation assessments of the historic interior
Condition survey Currently Visual survey, ‘quickscan’: material state and damage Baseline (reference) report (benchmark) Record of the extent and condition of an interior, damage
Preventive conservation assessment Identification and assessment of agents of deterioration 10 agents of deterioration (CCI-ICC, Waller and ICCROM): Fire Water Wrong relative humidity Wrong temperature Physical forces Light and radiation Pests Contaminants Dissociation/neglect Vandals and thieves
Problem The report Conservation assessment report: Aim: document to support local conservation management planning Recommendations with long list of activities Advice for housekeeping and cyclic maintenance planning, mostly standard good-practice advices List of strategies to avoid, to detect, to block, or to mitigate the effects of possible harmful agents Long list of remedial conservation activities, only those to be done by specialists are ranked in order of urgency (ambiguous judgment by assessor)
Problem Complexity Selecting conservation priorities What to do first?
Problem: methodology Current state versus future loss
Problem Current state versus future loss 2 months later…
Toolbox approach Integrated methodologies State Past damage On-going Damage Exposure Source Environmental monitoring ConsequenceAttack Exposure Cause Damage assessment Risk assessment Dosimetry & EWSCondition assessment
: Project MAKSin Tool: recording system MAKSin Monumentenwacht
Decision-making matrix with 4 parameters: RISK-based (principles ‘Cultural Heritage Risk Assessment’, as developed by ICCROM, CCI-ICC, CMN, ICN) A.Speed of continual decay processes; the frequency of incidents; probability of disasters B.Effect of consequential damage of defects (condition survey) OR of future damage by the agents of deterioration (risk assessment) C.Health and safety indicator VALUE-based D. Relative importance of the parts affected Priority ranking Decision-making matrix