S.PopescuAlice DCS workshop, Colmar, Standards for control room PVSS panels A brainstorm meeting
S.PopescuAlice DCS workshop, Colmar, Purpose of standardization efficient –A homogeneous definition of the DCS parameters, possibly a code convention, examples: Online I value(s) in FW is defined as IMon (Caen), IMeas(Iseg), Actual values(Wiener), a proposal could be IMon Online V value(s) V Mon Online T value(s) Tmon Current limit Ilimit … –UI are easier to export if the PVSS configuration is standardized (same version, same operator systems)
S.PopescuAlice DCS workshop, Colmar, Purpose of standardization The operator will be able to read and understand all the panels without looking in the manuals for detailed explanation The DCS responsible called for an emergency can debug and solve the problems without calling the experts community (detector, machine, gas….) Maintenance is much more easy: upgrades can be done from a central server for all the control room panels ???
S.PopescuAlice DCS workshop, Colmar, Purpose of standardization Look and feel –An operator can understand the alarms without searching color codes for each detector –Panels are containing the same information in the same order like: I (1 st column), V(2 nd column), ReadBack Settings (3 rd column), DataBase(5 th column), … –Button are in the same places like (close, kill, apply, password…)
S.PopescuAlice DCS workshop, Colmar, Implementation A logical tree of these panels must be first designed –Many panels will be received to the central DCS control room from: Detector Machine External services … –A proposal will be to follow up these panels in a logical structure maybe an UML one, as used by the Offline group Actions and priorities level should be defined according with this logical tree ex: –first level = operator access, –second level = detector access which inherit also the operator access rights –third level = DCS expert which inherits the previous two levels rights
S.PopescuAlice DCS workshop, Colmar, Implementation Common definition of input parameters (ex: code convention) for control room panels must start soon Common definition of alarms and errors Common strategy of actions implemented –Ex: State (CU) is calculated in PVSS and published in FSM(smi++) or vice versa alarm: acknowledge, ignore… should mean the same for all detectors, subdetectors, dcs subsystems etc… If this is not possible than a method must be found
S.PopescuAlice DCS workshop, Colmar, Conclusion Is a team work: we must find the perfect tuning between detector, magnets, LHC, external service, dcs wishes and will be not an easy task Together with the detector people one should agree on the basic design and definitions A proposal should come very soon