Academic Affairs Budget Priorities
Mission The faculty, staff, administrators, and students of California State University, Stanislaus are committed to creating a learning environment which encourages all members of the campus community to expand their intellectual, creative, and social horizons. We challenge one another to realize our potential, to appreciate and contribute to the enrichment of our diverse community, and to develop a passion for lifelong learning. To facilitate this Mission, we promote academic excellence in the teaching and scholarly activities of our faculty, encourage personalized student learning, foster interactions and partnerships with our surrounding communities, and provide opportunities for the intellectual, cultural, and artistic enrichment of the region.
Budget Building Process Academic Affairs Assumed Highest Priority—Meeting Enrollment Target Deans & AVPs Built Four Scenarios % Increase of Non-Faculty Budgets % Increase of Non-Faculty Budgets --Bigger Projects Up to $200,000 --Joint Projects Up to $200,000 Discussed Unit Proposals with Deans Council Discussed Unit Proposals with FBAC Split into Highest, Middle, Lower Priorities Confirmed Enrollment--Full-Funded Schedule--as Highest Weighed Choice Between Unit Increases vs. Specified Projects Proposed Relative Priorities at Four Levels of Funding Discussed Again With Deans Council & FBAC
HIGHEST PRIORITIES Academic Affairs Enrollment Funding --Full Funding of the Schedule Plan (Summer—Fall—Winter—Spring) --Stabilize Course Offerings at CSU Stanislaus-Stockton Faculty Promotions Director of Institutional Research WPST Costs Blackboard—Enterprise Version & Vendor Hosting Staffing in Admissions & Records Desktop Support/Lab Assistants/DE Support Faculty Computer Replacement Schedule 1- to 2-Percent Increase in Non-Faculty Operations Throughout Academic Affairs Support Units
ONE- TO TWO PERCENT INCREASE Academic Affairs Support Units ORSP Grant-Writing Assistance Service Learning Professional Development in Risk Management Faculty Recruitment Financial Aid Staffing/Operations Admissions/Outreach Staffing Information Technology Operations OIT Staffing Stockton O&E Support Stockton Casual Workers Library Staffing Global Affairs Staffing Support Graduate School Staffing Support Center for Public Policy Studies Director Support
ONE- TWO PERCENT INCREASES College Non-Faculty Budgets Re-establish ALS Associate Dean ALS O&E Faculty Travel Support Start-Up Costs for ALS Faculty Instructional Equipment Staffing & Operations for Student Recruitment—COE Workshops & Test Awareness Preparation for CBEST, CSET & RICA Staffing Support in CBA Center for Teacher Recruitment—COE Increase in Sabbaticals
ENROLLMENT—FTES Achieved (04-05) and Planned (05-06) *Based on latest information provided by Enrollment Services May 23, 2005 Summer AYTotalTotal Enrolled Enrolled State-Support Self- & State-Support ALS (10.1%) (6.2%) CBA (12.1%) (3.1%) COE (14.5%) (5.9%) CSU Stanislaus (11.0%) (5.9%) CSU Stanislaus CY Target (-3.2%) (+4.8%)
AVERAGE CLASS SIZE IN C-FACTOR COURSES (Summer-Fall-Winter-Spring) *Based on College Plans as of May 17, 2005 Actual Projected Percentage College Change ALS % CBA % COE % Total %
Academic Affairs Alignment with Strategic Goals
Goal 1: Prepare CSU Stanislaus graduates to become fully engaged and responsible leaders in a global and increasingly interconnected world. Enrollment Funding--Full Funding of the Schedule Plan WPST Costs Blackboard—Enterprise Version & Vendor Hosting Staffing in Admissions & Records Desktop Support/Lab Assistants/DE Support ORSP Grant-Writing Assistance Service Learning Professional Development in Risk Management Faculty Recruitment Library Staffing Global Affairs Staffing Support
Goal 2: Enhance the quality, distinctiveness and public image of our learning-centered University’s academic and co-curricular programs. WPST Costs Director of Institutional Research Staffing in Admissions & Records Desktop Support/Lab Assistants/DE Support ORSP Grant-Writing Assistance Service Learning Professional Development in Risk Management Faculty Recruitment Information Technology Operations Library Staffing Global Affairs Staffing Support Graduate School Staffing Support Center for Public Policy Studies Director Support ALS O&E Staffing & Operations for Student Recruitment—COE Workshops & Test Awareness Preparation for CBEST, CSET & RICA Instructional Equipment
Goal 3: Ensure that the higher education needs of our growing student body are met through 2010 with high quality faculty, managers, staff and infrastructure. Faculty Promotions Director of Institutional Research Blackboard—Enterprise Version & Vendor Hosting Staffing in Admissions & Records Desktop Support/Lab Assistants/DE Support Faculty Computer Replacement Schedule ORSP Grant-Writing Assistance Service Learning Professional Development in Risk Management Faculty Recruitment Financial Aid Staffing/Operations Admissions/Outreach Staffing Information Technology Operations Library Staffing
Goal 3: Ensure that the higher education needs of our growing student body are met through 2010 with high quality faculty, managers, staff and infrastructure. (Continued) Graduate School Staffing Support Global Affairs Staffing Support Center for Public Policy Studies Director Support Re-establish ALS Associate Dean ALS O&E Faculty Travel Support OIT Staffing Start-Up Costs for ALS Faculty Staffing & Operations for Student Recruitment— COE Workshops & Test Awareness Preparation for CBEST, CSET & RICA Staffing Support in CBA Center for Teacher Recruitment--COE Increase in Sabbaticals
Goal 4: Develop CSU Stanislaus-Stockton to provide eight to ten complete academic programs with the appropriate levels of academic, administrative and student support services Enrollment Funding--Stabilize Course Offerings at CSU Stanislaus-Stockton Blackboard—Enterprise Version & Vendor Hosting Staffing in Admissions & Records Desktop Support/Lab Assistants/DE Support ORSP Grant-Writing Assistance Service Learning Professional Development in Risk Management Faculty Recruitment Financial Aid Staffing/Operations Admissions/Outreach Staffing Information Technology Operations Stockton O&E Support Stockton Casual Workers Library Staffing Graduate School Staffing Support Workshops & Test Awareness Preparation for CBEST, CSET & RICA
Goal 5: Raise awareness and appreciation among targeted local, regional, national and international constituencies regarding the impact of the programs, services and values of our university. Director of Institutional Research Faculty Computer Replacement Schedule ORSP Grant-Writing Assistance Service Learning Professional Development in Risk Management Faculty Recruitment Global Affairs Staffing Support Center for Public Policy Studies Director Support Re-establish ALS Associate Dean Faculty Travel Support Workshops & Test Awareness Preparation for CBEST, CSET & RICA Increase in Sabbaticals